FLOTEK Performance

super noober

Can't Stop, Won't Stop!
Feb 17, 2009
upstate ny
just a quick review on FLOTEK for the new guys..

where to start? you wanna be fast? REALLY fast? if so FLOTEK is your guy, denny (owner of FLOTEK) has years of experience with these little motors and can really unlock thier potential wether you want a insane drag port to take to competitive races and maybe even set a track record like member little3mill did at Busco beach NC with his FLOTEK powered alky dragger, or just a trail monster to pick on your friends with :D. my personal experience with denny has been great, even though he is a VERY busy guy when i had issues with my 110 octane trail monster HE called around and came up with my phone number and gave me a call and we talked for a good hour solving the issue and then talking blasters in general, incredible knowledge. and the machine performs like no other, talk about POWER, i have power down low and insane power on top, wide powerband thru ALL gears, it can be a common misconception that FLOTEK only drag ports and i can gaurantee that is not the case and he offers a amazing trail port as well. im not going to clog up the thread with a bunch of videos but if you want further proof just get on you tube and type in "FLOTEK PERFORMANCE" and be amazed with what pops up.
He has done 5 cylinders for me, mild to wild. I can't really compare my blaster to others,
but my stock stroke, stock cylinder trail ported Banshee beats 4 mil trail shee's and trx542's I:I
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^^I've ridden Pauile's Hurricane Banshee and can vouch for that! It was fast enough that one of the TRX 542's blew up during the race while trying to catch him. Lol.

I'll post a personal review of FLOTEK after this winter. I'll be giving them a call to do my next engine build.
^^I've ridden Pauile's Hurricane Banshee and can vouch for that! It was fast enough that one of the TRX 542's blew up during the race while trying to catch him. Lol.

I'll post a personal review of FLOTEK after this winter. I'll be giving them a call to do my next engine build.

haha you looked like you were having fun. I love seein other guys blast on it!
Oh and the trx blow up sure did quiet my buddy down :p
good review noobs!! i have been working with denny for about 6 years now. i have built engines for the following machines: banshee, blaster, lt250r, eton90, xcr600 triple... denny has got me what i have wanted every time. i can compare the power to that of CT racing, paul turner/duncan racing, LRD and 3 other smaller names in the 2 stroke engine building industry. well needless to say i am still with flotek. be it track or trail, you will get what you want. i have had engines designed for drag racing, flat track/TT, organized hillclimbing, trail riding and porting done for an ex girl done by denny. always hit the bullseye and got what we wanted.
just a quick review on FLOTEK for the new guys..

where to start? you wanna be fast? REALLY fast? if so FLOTEK is your guy, denny (owner of FLOTEK) has years of experience with these little motors and can really unlock thier potential wether you want a insane drag port to take to competitive races and maybe even set a track record like member little3mill did at Busco beach NC with his FLOTEK powered alky dragger, or just a trail monster to pick on your friends with :D. my personal experience with denny has been great, even though he is a VERY busy guy when i had issues with my 110 octane trail monster HE called around and came up with my phone number and gave me a call and we talked for a good hour solving the issue and then talking blasters in general, incredible knowledge. and the machine performs like no other, talk about POWER, i have power down low and insane power on top, wide powerband thru ALL gears, it can be a common misconception that FLOTEK only drag ports and i can gaurantee that is not the case and he offers a amazing trail port as well. im not going to clog up the thread with a bunch of videos but if you want further proof just get on you tube and type in "FLOTEK PERFORMANCE" and be amazed with what pops up.

Kyle this is no shot on you but I must lay it on the table since I seen it with my own eyes and ears. You sold your 200 ported stock cylinder to scottj77 and that was running 6 flat. You had an airsal 240 kit ported by denny before busco and what was the reason you left so early?? I recall you leaving cause you were very unhappy with it's preformance and running slower times than your smaller stock cylinder. I won't even type the comments I heard. I do know you were very upset taters trail bike and con8quests trail blaster were both beating you. Now I have seen you post about him telling you that a bigger carb is needed along with better reeds. But with a 34 pj and a rad valve on both setups we all know the 240 should be faster. Now there was a spacer plate problem which you or your builder never seemed to pick up on it till you went to assemble it. FWIW I would have had a spacer made by my builder the same day and been ready to roll. So all in all this new 240 cylinder is currently alot slower than your old one. Spend a few more dollars on the carb and reeds and spacer plate and hopefully it is faster?? At this moment in time are you happier than your previous cylinder seeing this new one is slower than the stock cylinder?
Kyle this is no shot on you but I must lay it on the table since I seen it with my own eyes and ears.You sold your 200 ported stock cylinder to scottj77 and that was running 6 flat.You had an airsal 240 kit ported by denny before busco and what was the reason you left so early?? I recall you leaving cause you were very unhappy with it's preformance and running slower times than your smaller stock cylinder.I won't even type the comments I heard.I do know you were very upset taters trail bike and con8quests trail blaster were both beating you.Now I have seen you post about him telling you that a bigger carb is needed along with better reeds.But with a 34 pj and a rad valve on both setups we all know the 240 should be faster.Now there was a spaceer plate problem which you or your builder never seemed to pick up on it till you went to assemble it.FWIW I would have had a spacer made by my builder the same day and been ready to roll.So all in all this new 240 cylinder is currently alot slower than your old one.Spend a few more dollars on the carb and reeds and spacer plate and hopefully it is faster?? At this moment in time are you happier than your previous cylinder seeing this new one is slower than the stock cylinder?

yup i was for sure disapointed with losing to tater and conquest being as they had stock jugs but i have got the machine more dialed now and am a lot happier with it, i was seriously breaking it in at busco and FWIW the spacer problem popped up the night before busco so i wasnt getting a spacer made in that time so denny got me running so i could make my trip. my old cylinder ran 6 flat all day as u say and at busco the new one ran 6.4 but that was in the mud so i really cant compare the 2 until i get to run up here on the hard packed stuff. i said the whole time there that it was a beast on the trails and had tons more power than my last cylinder it just ran slower on the strip. i stopped racing because i was the ONLY trail bike out there and it was no fun at all to just run the track while getting waxed by a purpose dragger. next i left because all my sh*t got wet in the monsoon and i wasnt about to spend another night in my little ass truck and there was nobody for me to race, had there been other trail bikes racing i can guarantee i would have stayed to play. yes, i am happy with this cylinder, its not perfect yet but still very powerful, i did great against other trail bikes there and would line up with anyone here feeling VERY confident that i would whoop some ass lol :D.
Sounds like a little personal info between the two of ya. . Not to bump in.... but, just reading the thread I have determined that the two of you would be excellent individuals to talk with regarding having Flotek (Denny) go through a 240 3 mil for me. Sand dune rider... nuff said.. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time
Sounds like a little personal info between the two of ya. . Not to bump in.... but, just reading the thread I have determined that the two of you would be excellent individuals to talk with regarding having Flotek (Denny) go through a 240 3 mil for me. Sand dune rider... nuff said.. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time

Just give him a call bro
Sounds like a little personal info between the two of ya. . Not to bump in.... but, just reading the thread I have determined that the two of you would be excellent individuals to talk with regarding having Flotek (Denny) go through a 240 3 mil for me. Sand dune rider... nuff said.. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time

click the link in my sig and give him a call, u wont be sorry u did I:I ;). if u want to see some impressive vids type "flotek performance" into the you tube search
I have also dealt with denny a couple times and he definitly knows how to get power out of these 2strokes. I have a trail banshee and a drag banshee with his work. Both of witch run really well. . He did a agressive trail port to a blaster for me as well that i ended up sellin. Come to find out the guy got 1st place in ice racing in alaska with it. I would not hesitate to send anything to denny.
I have also dealt with denny a couple times and he definitly knows how to get power out of these 2strokes. I have a trail banshee and a drag banshee with his work. Both of witch run really well. . He did a agressive trail port to a blaster for me as well that i ended up sellin. Come to find out the guy got 1st place in ice racing in alaska with it. I would not hesitate to send anything to denny.

thats pretty cool to find out!
I have heard that flotek sends a lot of their stuff out to other machine shops. I am not saying he doesn't do the port work. I am just saying if the jug goes to one place to get bored..etc, and the tranny mods go somewhere else, and the port work is done at flotek. How can we say that it is all flotek motors winning races and tearing up the trails. If I am wrong about this I apologize. Just going by what I heard.
I have heard that flotek sends a lot of their stuff out to other machine shops. I am not saying he doesn't do the port work. I am just saying if the jug goes to one place to get bored..etc, and the tranny mods go somewhere else, and the port work is done at flotek. How can we say that it is all flotek motors winning races and tearing up the trails. If I am wrong about this I apologize. Just going by what I heard.

That process is not so unusual, many businesses do it these days.
Everybody has their specialty and no one would expect you to make your own carbs and jets, would they?
If your specialty is porting and assembly, you stick with porting and assembly.
You send your jugs out for boring at a shop you trust and perhaps you have another shop machine heads to your specs.
Vito's has Wiseco make their pistons. KTM and Yamaha don't make their own pistons either.
Does this mean Yamaha doesn't really make engines?

if im getting my engine built i would rather have my builder do the whole engine not just do the port work then send it out to get bored and do the bottom end just saying
but if your builder is good and putting stuff together but sucks at porting or bottom end work your just wasted money. Thats why i would rather have my engine go from one side of the US to the other the find the best so i dont end up with some hacked up redneck hackjob.
I guess it is just a matter of preference. That is what is good about bf. You get a lot of info and are able to take that info and make a decision.