cole454's Rebuild

Ya man your having all the luck and looks haha that loooks bad ass.

I don't know about all the luck. I've had my share of issues. The next one is my durablue axle. The nuts won't go on far enough to get the cotter pin in. Needs to go about a 1/8" to fit. I think I'm going to have grind down my spacers.
well *maybe* your luck will change a bit come Wednesday. The new a-arms should be there then.

When you've get them swapped put the old ones back in the mail and let me know what the shipping is. I'm covering the ride too.
Found out its the collar. Has two grooves worn in it where the seal rides. Can barely feel them, but they're there. Gonna order that tonight along with a couple extra seals.
Well the new upper arms worked! So my front end is sorted now I gotta fix up my rear. Need to do some grinding to some spacers.

Also will be selling the front YFZ rims. Need some stock offset rims. The YFZ's are a slightly different offset.
just throw a heavier spring on that 400ex shock (easy to do with minimal tools and cheap), blasters look like they are stink buggin with their ass end in the air with the yfz rear shock, also it will destroy handling having the weight pushed forward on the front tires, just my 2 cents
Sounds like you could be doing a little better why would you need a (longer axel) and spacers? in my exp. they beat the hell out of my rims under hard riding. Comeing from exp. also why change up the red shock motif? 160 PSI looks to be running normal as well:) To bad those numbers arent from a stock jug that shure would make someones day:D keep this thread goin on strong