speedemon17 Sep 2, 2012 hey bro what other forum are you on stay with us what bikes/quads do u have now??
blasterkiidirl Jul 5, 2011 y are thay troblesume or do u just keep finding part u lyk lol is it still a 400
speedemon17 May 28, 2011 i am saying i am a member of photoshop and what section do you change the color and everything i dont know how to work photoshop yet
i am saying i am a member of photoshop and what section do you change the color and everything i dont know how to work photoshop yet
speedemon17 May 28, 2011 how did u change the color of ur bike in that thread i need help doing that like changing the looks by colors
how did u change the color of ur bike in that thread i need help doing that like changing the looks by colors
speedemon17 May 18, 2011 Would these fit a blasterhttp://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=150604125005
alex90 Apr 26, 2011 lol u saw the carnage that happened when i last lent it to some one haha jjk. i do have a buyer for it so if u do ride it u must be gentle
lol u saw the carnage that happened when i last lent it to some one haha jjk. i do have a buyer for it so if u do ride it u must be gentle
lasxgames Mar 27, 2011 voting is open http://www.blasterforum.com/voting-botm-111/march-2011-blaster-month-voting-37914/