Your very 1st quad


Nov 27, 2009
Greene County Pa.
what was the very 1st quad you owned..

pics if possible..

mine 1985 honda trx 125..had the front rack only.. i took it off after hitting a tree making trails. lol.

it wouldnt come up in any gear.. unless you stood on the wheelie bar and mashed 2nd on a small then it would wheelie


2nd..where i learned how to use a clutch..

My bought it for him... but i ended up with it.. this pic isnt ours.. i have some @ parents house somewhere... same exact bike tho i think ours had an old dg pipe.. i cant remember.

yea.. took me forever to talk mom into the 125... but all the other kids had them and she got mad when i told her i was paying friends to ride theirs... i had a paper route and was paying a friend 20 bucks off and on to ride his lt80 that was modified.. that thing was so fun... i miss those days.
well my first ATV was a 85 200x.. back in fall of 08....




than my first 2 stroke...

first quad... 90 trail boss 250..

first bike... 93 cr250r.. stupid fast bike.. rode it twice.. test ride than one pass down the road... got rid of it cos it scared me
My very first quad that I learned on when I was 7 was a ooolldd honda 250 something, that thing was from the stone age! Me and my friends had a ton of fun on it, ran into trees, cracked the frame once or twice, even jumped it. I think I have a super old pic of it taken from a disposible camera. My dad ended up selling it to pay the bills about a year or so after we bought it :(

Then when we moved up here to ak when I was 11 my grandma's husband had a lt250e quadrunner that had sat in his yard for years I asked and he let me have it.
That was my "first" quad that was 70% mine, I learned everything on it... I think I might have been more crazy on that then now lol.

And I've been on bikes since I was about 6....
no pictures but i my first bike was a 82 honda 50 dirtbike than a 88 bayou that we also got for free, than my 01blaster and my 97 rm80 than a 07 ttr 125 than a 02 klx 300 and now my 04 400exi have no pictures of my childhood.lmao
well my first bike was a yamaha yz80 then i had a china quad(but im not counting that) so my first atv was 85 Honda 200x 3 wheeler, then my blaster, then my 400ex
Yamaha Raptor 80
Yamaha TTR 90
Yamaha Blaster
Polaris Scrambler 90
1998 Yamaha YZ 125
Kawasaki KX 60
1989 Honda CR 80 whole bike just using the frame for hybrid
1987 Suzuki Quadracer 250R
1982 Suzuki RM 125 whole bike just using the motor for hybrid
my very first quad was an 89 shee when i was 16. had a toomey exhaust where the end camps would sit there an spin in side the pipe it was so funny... also had twist throttle bored 60 over uni filter boyseen reeds barnett clutch an a few other things..... cant remmber what else but im suprised i didnt kill myself on that thing for my first quad lol i gotta pic of it but i gotta get a scaner so i can put it up

i know this is a bad pic... cause i dont have a scanner an the pic is a pic of a pic now lol an it so old it was ripped

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my "first" quad, really it was my brother in-laws i just road it more, was a Suzuki 230 shaft lol

MY first quad thats is the blaster :) i got it 100% stock


after doing some modding :D
2003 250ex (still have it) none of my pics work but it has a hmf full system, k&n air filter, outerwears, pro taper bars, itp tires and rims, and a dyno jet kit. Its our family wheelie machine.
It wasn't really mine but my friend left his 06 250ex at my house for almost a year. I don't have any pictures of it. But the first atv I bought was my 02 blaster.
