Your very 1st quad

My first ATV was an '83? Yamaha 200e. Got that in '92? Then I graduated to an '84 200x, then an '85 Tecate, then I went to bikes. Had a whole bunch of those. My LTR was actually the first quad I've owned, and the Blasty the second. I got my hands on another 200x a couple months ago and am restoring it now. Currently looking for another Tecate. Going backwards I guess.
I had a little chinese quad, then my 2000 xr 100 what a dog, then my blaster, my 84 kx 80 and last but not least, the love of my life my 2003 polaris trail boss 330.
I had that 60cc Yamaha quad, a 50cc Suzuki dirtbike, that 125cc Yamaha Breeze, then I had a 2002 Blaster - stock, and then I got my Blaster now.
the good ol lt125 lolol
my first quad was my blaster pics in the album lol but first bike was a moped when i was 5 lol then then an 82 i think honda xl 80 learned the clutch there then and 84 yamaha somtin 2 stroke 80 lol, after that a 125 three wheeler, and after that a honda cr 125then a yz 80 i still have with my cuzin then i bought the blaster then my couzin kinda gave me and took back a cr 250 thing was nuts lol, but most the stuff me and my cuzin bought togeter except for the 125 three wheeler the yamy 80 and the blaster lol the rest we bought and sold together lol
Bought my lem50,honda 200,and 10hp gokart all same day when i was 8




Then my dad sold them to pay bills a year later

so i recently bought a ttr-125L

it got boring so i traded it for my blaster
My first quad was a 1987 TRX 125 bought new. The lack of any suspension at all is why I now enjoy a number of back problems. I then moved to a 1987 Warrior in 93'. Traded it to my dad for truck parts when I was 16. Then this summer I bought a KDX200 and rode it for a bit then traded for the 03' Blaster I have now. I have always wanted a Blaster since I had my trx125.
My first quad was a '96 blaster. Bought it on my own from the local dealership when I was 19. Before that I had a few atc's and dirtbikes. A '78 atc 90, '85 atc 125m, '85 atc 185s, '86 atc 200x, '78 xt 500 enduro, '82 yz250.
i always rode for my first was my buddies 250r 3wheeler and then bought a 2001 warrior now the blaster. Bought the 2002 cr125 thats in my sig as well