When it rains it pours!

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Well, it was actually fairly pretty outside yesterday so I decided to untarp the dragger again and get to work...

The first order of business: the brakes.

The box o' junk came in from yamaha28 and was just what the doctor ordered. I only needed the "lock ring" part of the mechanical caliper assembly for mine to work so I salvaged that out of the siezed caliper and assembled mine.

I took two stock "right side" (brake side) foot pegs and cut the pegs off. I then flipped one around and cut the back end (the part the kicker hits) down just a bit and then rewelded the pegs back onto the plates farther back and "leaned" forward so they'll "bite" my boots better for the drags.

I also cut the pipe down near the cylinder and rotated it downwards some. Because I built the pipe before I actually had any part of the quad together, I built it pointing up some to avoid being near the tire or out the side too far. Unfortunately, that meant that the bracket for the pipe was sticking way up in the air and was quite fragile. I wasn't REALLY happy with that arrangement and intended to change it. Yesterday just happened to be the day. With the pipe cut and rotated down, the bracket should only be about as tall as the pipe and mount to the new left foot peg well...

Pictures tonight!
No pics, I ran out of light before I ran out of stuff to do, AGAIN!

Also, anyone have a halfassed decently tight clutch perch and handle they might want to get rid of? The one from yamaha28 was nearly completely worn through (not complaining, just sayin').

Slick: I never really got "off of it", it's just that April seemed so very far away in November. Still does after how cold it was yesterday out there working.... BRRRRR! but I know I have about 2 months now and that's it so I better get to cracking!
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Tiny update, just some pics of the footpegs.... I:I

Brake side:


Pipe side:

pretty neat lets see a pic of you sitttin on it yelling vroom vroom testing out those fancy angled pegs. haha jkjk
lookin good so far! i like what you did with the pegs.

no pics of the pipe? lol

Pipes not finished, I've cut it and rewelded it lower but had to handle some other stuff this afternoon so I didn't get out and get any 1/8" strapping to make the support out of. It's still hanging from the rafter in the back of the garage.
awesome idea with the pegs! How did you decide how far to go with the angle? Just by feel?

I did the right side (brake side) by how far I could turn it back and move it back based on the brake pedal and kick starter "stop pad". I move it up, back and tilted it forward basically as much as I could (I have size 13 boots.....) and then made the left side to match.
I did the right side (brake side) by how far I could turn it back and move it back based on the brake pedal and kick starter "stop pad". I move it up, back and tilted it forward basically as much as I could (I have size 13 boots.....) and then made the left side to match.

You know what they say... about Big feet..............I:I

Get your mind out of the gutter! The saying goes big feet more ground covered!:D

First curved pegs on a blaster for sure!
Well, we'll know sometime next week, I won an 07 YZ85 flywheel and stator plate on Ebay for $64 plus shipping ($12) for a grand total of $76....

By my estimates, it'll be in like Tuesday. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Once it gets here I'm going to be going through and figuring out what I need for the CDI box and ordering those components.
And the verdict is?!?!?!?!?!?!

They're not the same. YZ85 flywheel has the same taper and keyway broach width but the diameter is smaller. It'll slide about halfway up onto the blaster crankshaft before stopping cold.

I'm sitting on the fence right now on whether I'd rather have the center hub of this flywheel cut out to the same as a blaster or just cut my losses and put this flywheel and stator back on Ebay and resell it as is. I'm kinda leaning towards just putting it back on Ebay and reselling it. I'd basically only be eating cost or shipping because of the price I paid for it :D

I applaud you for trying. Trail in error has ended jes like that for me many times BUT has also payed off too ;)
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