Did you JUST find this thread? LOL
I don't even worry about those sayer's of nay. I'm gonna do my own thing and if it works, great! If not, at least it was ALL MINE to fail.
Sand drags are shut down for the winterstill trying to work a little magic with an unused field outside of town but it would take LOTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSS of prep work to get it ready to roll.
Thanks, some people said the dual spark plug was a waste of time but I disagree, even if two spark plugs wasn't NECESSARY it's still pretty bitchin' I:I
I just found it again ... lol, I think I looked when you first opened it and for some reason thought you bought this quad for resale. Anyway it kept me busy for a couple hours the other night reading, and I enjoyed seeing the evolution thus far. And who cares if it's not necessary ... it's sick ....I:I