only thing i just thought of is that how good is it vented? you may want to drill it and hookup a hose or something to vent it better. dont want to it to vacuum lock and starve the engine from fuel.
I'm going to have to check it out when it arrives. It's made for a "transfer" tank so I'm imagining it's vented fairly well but I may have to "modify" the internals to make sure it's not going to vacuum the tank. I certainly don't want to starve the engine for fuel at the rate it's going to be consuming it.
Edit: I calculated my total cost today. My budget was $500 and I have blown that by a little bit but not by an amount which is unattainable by "regular" folks.... My total cost for this build so far (actually the bore job hasn't been charged yet I know it will be in a few days) is $697.
I didn't include the slip rolls or argon in that figure for obvious reasons... I didn't only use either of those on this build... arguably some argon cost could be added but I just didn't because I didn't feel like it

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