Yeah I do know how much is in there. This is the second set.... the first set I blew through the side of my vito's intake window and played hell trying to fix it.
The trick to the CR reeds is to sand the sides of the reeds down until the pedals just barely fit and THEN work in intake window thin to accept the thinner reed cage. I didn't sand the reed cage on the one I put in the Vito's cylinder and that's why I blew though. It's all good in the hood now though.... I alumiwelded the side back up thicker than before (this was pre-tiggy) and went back for it.
The good news is, except for the ridiculous intake additions, that porting is all yamaha metal. If one didn't care to make boyesen's quite that large, you could port the triples that large, and the transfers out like that on any stock blasty cylinder.
that must not leave alot of gasket surface material for the reed cage when u shave down the intake window right?...and on my cr cage the reeds actually lined up with the outside of the intake window opening, did u have to trim the reeds down too?