im waiting on pics of the tank, cause ill be in the market for one soon. if i like what i see maybe you could do a stock mount one for me some time down the road?
man i wish i could weld aluminum.... jealous
Craigslist craigslist craigslist, find a AC/DC tiggy. They're not cheap but they are out there.
I'm about half done with the tank proper, the only thing I'm still working on the filler neck. I may ghetto one up to have it done in time for busco. What I'd like to do is a get an aluminum neck and cap for a fuel cell and weld it onto the tank but I may actually cut a stock gas tank apart to rob the neck and cap off of it and screw it to the top of the tank I'm building..... haven't worked out that little detail yet. When I get back from busco I'm going to figure out a better lid system using aluminum so it will be a true all aluminum fuel cell
I could do one for you, PM me we can discuss it.