Whats the closest you have come to a crash?


New Member
Jun 12, 2009
South Africa
This past weakend I landed on my bull bar after taking a jump and what happend I am not to sure but I nearly saw my ASS! LOL:eek:
the closest i have come was when i was riding my friends quad i hit the throttle and turned pretty sharply popped it up on 2 wheels
oh i wasnt going fast at all and the damn peg landed onthe back of my leg when i tried pushing it back over it hurt to kick start it but when i walked to the house i just laughed becuase idk why i put my foot out there lol
LT i am jealous of your blaster you want to trade? how is it in south africa

LOL You must see what I am going to put on her, I am getting a set of chrome rims off of a banshee and I am going to put some new tires on her as soon as I have the Bucks, Where is some pic's of your blaster. And it is ok here in south africa its just the crime that is bad but you get use to it. What sucks is that it is winter now and very windy but its not to cold. hows things there by you and where you from?
things around here are pretty good except for the economy its summer and we just hangin back relaxin and riding quads
mine was when i hit a jump and the quad slowly started to spin in the air. i landed almost sideways but i ended up saving it somehow. i thought i was gonna land and roll. and i was pinned in sixth gear becuase it was a hill and i couldnt catch air going any slower
Same here, I just crash.

About 9 months ago we were riding along some railroad tracks at speed with grass touching our left wheels, rocks on the other. My wide ass LTR is difficult in these situations. Apparently they replaced a railroad tie, and threw the old one in the grass. My left wheel caught the end sticking out, and the left side popped up in the air. I would have recovered but the front left rim bent so much that it caught on the tie rod and jammed. Quad came down, jerked to the left, and I kept going straight. I landed in some soft grass but the bars left a mark on my stomach that is still there today.

About a month ago I was working up to an unfamiliar 30 foot table. On an attempt to clear it, I hit it wrong and the quad turned almost 90 degrees to the right. It amazingly didn't flip over on me, but the effect did turn me around and send me flying backwards. Landed first on my lower back and then my head did a bit of whiplash. I kept riding that day, but none of our ground is soft around here and I felt that one for a good while.

In both cases I was looking back expecting a quad on my face, but luckily the LTR has yet to roll (knock on wood). Sure wouldn't feel good, it's a heavy freakin' quad.
riding in a unfamiliar area cops come back there I jet into this pit but the way into the pit almost a 90 degree angle and I was in 6th gear and this pit is a good 60 ft deep. the arm cracked and bent the swing arm had three cracks in it the lights or kill swithch didnt work the streeing stem was bent. but the quad was still able to make it away from the cops.
LT i got me some itp holeshots i just got with duglas rims they are chrome they look so much better than stock i will get pics when i go to my g-mas were there is high speed and post them up this weekend
my clostest crash is crashing, i was riding in a field and went to cross the road and hit a rock and smashed in to tele phone pole, it sucked balls,i swear i broke ribs...

here is a vid of pics of it..

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ive crashed into tree's twice

the closest close call ive has was on my ktm
doin about 50 on a path going round a blind corner when at the other side there was a dog walker nearly wiped them out and struggled to stay on the bike
when i came back round to see if the woman was ok she tried to kick my ass was quite funny but i just flew away before she could get a hit in
once my quad is ready to ride it wont be long before i crash for real im not exactly proficent at using brakes in other words i like to go fast real fast