What Do I do?

I have 100% feedback man! And I have 100% from that kid, because no one got ripped off, its called a misuderstanding in communication. And its all good now. If he gave me 100% feedback then obviously I didnt rip him?
You were the one that Opened this thread asking 'what did i do?' sounds like you Knew you did the kid wrong from the jump! if i saw an ad that said front brakes, i would assume you meant the complete set up. it should have been CLEARLY stated to him WHAT was included, BEFORE YOU SPENT THE KIDS MONEY!!! 100% feedback? who the F do you think That impresses? Not Me! you're a post whore who's been a member here for a MONTH! and already you're doing shady sh*t! you call it 'mis-communication', I call it mis-representation! i like the idea of you and Mud runner in the same room! who do you think would end up with 100% feedback then?
Nope, i'm not forgiving on this subject Period! Too many People on here lately doing shady deals and its Gotta Stop!
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I agree.. hate to chime in with my two cents, if the boot were on a different foot and there was a guy on craigslist selling the running gear out of a k5 blazer, same one as you have at home needing the running gear showed a picture of a complete blazer, wouldn't you think you were getting the complete running gear? Not just the transmission and front axle.. sounds like you need to get to mowing lawns and send that kid his hard earned money back so he can buy what he thought he allread had..
Although I do not in any way condone shady deals, I should like to draw attention to the following.

Caveat emptor is a Latin phrase meaning “let the buyer beware.”

The phrase stands for the commercial principle that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying. This axiom or principle is sometimes understood to mean that, absent a warranty, the buyer assumes the risk of defects in the item sold. It is therefore incumbent upon the buyer to thoroughly inspect any goods or services prior to purchase.
You just don't understand man, I opened it for your guys opinions of what I should do. And I've fixed it so obviously i'm not shady or I just would have not texted him back or anything.
Although I do not in any way condone shady deals, I should like to draw attention to the following.

Caveat emptor is a Latin phrase meaning “let the buyer beware.”

The phrase stands for the commercial principle that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying. This axiom or principle is sometimes understood to mean that, absent a warranty, the buyer assumes the risk of defects in the item sold. It is therefore incumbent upon the buyer to thoroughly inspect any goods or services prior to purchase.

i agree with this Blaaster, but this is a deal between KIDS! and i could almost Guarantee it went more like a shotgun sale than anything was Fully discussed. im sure the buyer Should have asked more detailed questions just as im sure the seller could have offered more information. and in order for Any of this to work, a bit of honesty would be nice also!
This is NOT a Commercial site! sales on here are NOT what this site is about, its about Blasters; whos got em, who works on em and how to help others with them Right?
well kids, let this be a lesson for ya, Not everyone is out to Help you on this site, some are here to make Money at the expense of your ignorance...
Dam im getting leary about buying sh*t from people on here now :-/
If you told me i was getting a "Front brake assembly" i would want a workings set of front brakes thats what you said the whole assembly not just the lines an leavers to run the assembly.

And i just asked about ur fmf pip before i seen this thread now :-/

btw i would be looking for the WHOLE pipe silenceer an expansion chamber not half of it :o
Well what ever came of this? I just read this whole feasco.

Only one way to solve this I see, You owe runner a set of spindles. or if he agreed on another arangement make it good! The majority of our members are trustworthy, sometimes we let our guard down and get caught!

Make it right- or take a hike!~
Well what ever came of this? I just read this whole feasco.

Only one way to solve this I see, You owe runner a set of spindles. or if he agreed on another arangement make it good! The majority of our members are trustworthy, sometimes we let our guard down and get caught!

Make it right- or take a hike

Agreed i no theres good memebers on here like i can trust you bob an joe an i would buy stuff of braaap an a bunch of other people but it just limits you i feel i should be able to trust buying stuff from anyone posting in the for sales section of our forum

aparently tho you have to watch who you deal with.... an always get your pay pal protection!!!!
You were the one that Opened this thread asking 'what did i do?' !

nothing like bending over, dropping trou, and asking to be spanked !!!!!:o

Did anyone get a chance to read the visitor conversation between this 'seller' and mud runner??? where he told the kid that it came with EVERYTHING FOR BRAKES???
Why the do we allow this crap? could somebody enlighten me, PLEASE?
Did anyone get a chance to read the visitor conversation between this 'seller' and mud runner??? where he told the kid that it came with EVERYTHING FOR BRAKES???
Why the do we allow this crap? could somebody enlighten me, PLEASE?


here's the copy and pasted conversation between these 2, and there is very obviously a post deleted, where the seller must have replied..."yes, everything is included" as mud replied "ok just checking"

(must be read from the bottom up between the asterisks)

Okay, when you sending money?

mud runner:ok just want to make sure
(clearly confirming that everything was indeed included)


mud runner:
i thought every thing came with it

Sounds like a deal, when you pay, ill ship! i'll throw in the rotors too

mud runner:
yup 125 shipped plus the shock

Paypal! whats the deal 125 + shipping or 125 and rear shock? i want that shock

Come onnnn I need some cash.. I just rebuilt my quad and need spark plugs jets and a leak down tester :)


if this is a straight up miscommunication ???
then why the deletion of post ???
you clearly deleted the reply that "everything was included"
and also stated "i will throw in the rotors too"
you may lad are busted !!!!!

you have only a few days to reply here with a resolution to this matter, either money returned, or buy mud runner hubs/discs and spindles,
or your ass is outta here,
i was tired of smelling fish anyway !!!!!I:I
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BTW....where has the seller been all day ???
he's been on here 24/7 since day 1, until he got called on what is clearly a ripoff, now hasn't been on all day ???

who remembers the first day this dude appeared on here, me saying.....
i smell fish !!!!
maybe heed my warnings from now on ?
i can smell that long john silvers in bumfug new mexico just pulled 3 cod fillets outta the fryer
i can smell that long john silvers in bumfug new mexico just pulled 3 cod fillets outta the fryer

see this is why im reluctant to part out on here, and id like the major things spoken for or deposited on before i tear it down and ship out.

he was asking about my swinger and rear rims/tires. glad i didnt hold my breath.
BTW....where has the seller been all day ???
he's been on here 24/7 since day 1, until he got called on what is clearly a ripoff, now hasn't been on all day ???

who remembers the first day this dude appeared on here, me saying.....
i smell fish !!!!
maybe heed my warnings from now on ?
i can smell that long john silvers in bumfug new mexico just pulled 3 cod fillets outta the fryer

unfortunately, i smelled his funk a mile away! theres been alot of mis dealings going on here as of late...blasterbruce, slick, mudrunner... the list of guys getting jerked around is growing and i hate seeing this because it means that with all of this sh*t going on, admins are gonna put the squeeze on the for sale thread! that means no more blaster bro helping out blaster bro! and thats what this site is about; we all love working on, riding, racing and modding these things. its a lifestyle as well as a hobby. the More we Stand Up and call Bullsh*t on guys like this FREAK, the more we look out for each other!

the only one person i want to hear from is mud runner. id like to hear what all he has to say...
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