Buyer should always list!
Haha, we're good. Ill work it out. If he wants to text me back
you keep posting haha's and LOL's
but there isn't really anything funny about any of this
you skirted the rules by not posting exact pics, and only a vague description about them too
this applies to everyone, i don't care if it's a fender screw for sale, if there are no pics, it gets deleted as soon as i see it, second time around and heads are gonna roll
not my damn fault!
Blah, Blah, Blah... another excuse for WHY its not Your Fault! Sad story. its been told ALOT on here lately. getting kinda tired of reading it. wheres the Honesty in this world gone???
youre too young to be cynical! there ARE good people, just gotta wade thru the bs to find em...