Warning to other members

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Jun 4, 2008
Hey guys I don't like to bash other members on the forum but, the member 2kuik4u screwed me over on parts and does not really care. When I told him about it he told me that he didn't care.

Long story short, needed a lower left a arm, 2kuik4u PM'd me saying he had one...After MUCH talk over if it was the correct a arm I paid him for it. When it came and I found out it was the wrong a arm I PM'd 2kuik4u about returning the part for a refund and he just said no.

Here is a copy of the PM's I sent/received from him about the negative feedback I left for him.

Originally Posted by fabb_3
hey just thought that I would let you know that I had to leave negative feedback for our a arm deal. sorry about that but you really didnt want to work with me at all.
Originally Posted by 2kuik4u

not a problem i understand ididnt want to work with you.

Once again I don't like to bash other members but, I feel that other forum members need to know what kind of person he is.

in my opinion when i talked to the guy he just seems to not know his way around a blaster all good. but he does produce pics. just ask for pics to make sure its the right part. i asked for a cdi and coil he did show me a coil but thought the cdi was the tors brain so i corrected him and he snaped a pic of the right part and it was all good.
Still not the point,you make a sale sell the wrong part and then doesn't want to work with the member on correcting the problem.That is shady and not good business practice.Whether he knows parts or not you need to own up to your own mistakes.2kuik4u seems like they make street signs after you ONE WAY. I will not do any business with him.Thanks for the heads up Fabb3
Its not bashing when your just looking out for the rest of us. Its not like you said anything insulting about him or made fun of his mom. I really like this forum and its good to know who you can trust. I have bought several parts from people on here and have had no problems.
in my opinion when i talked to the guy he just seems to not know his way around a blaster all good. but he does produce pics. just ask for pics to make sure its the right part. i asked for a cdi and coil he did show me a coil but thought the cdi was the tors brain so i corrected him and he snaped a pic of the right part and it was all good.

He did snap a picture. from the picture it looked to be correct....HOWEVER, if anybody has looked at the lower arms carefully, you cant really tell if you are looking at the right or left unless you have BOTH of the a arms right next to each other.

I must have asked 2kuik4u mutiple times if it was the LEFT lower arm over and over again because I knew that they were different. I was trying to cover all my bases "just in case" There was really nothing I could do by the time that the a arm came.

Also, when I PM'd 2kuik4u he said that you could use the a arm from either side and make it work. Anybody that knows about these a arms knows that this is not the case at all. They are just slightly different. He then told me that he would "take pictures" in a few days to show me that you can switch them....I never got the pictures, probably because you cant switch the a arms. The Left is for the Left and the Right for the Right.

Just a bit more info for you guys. Thanks for the support!
wow. thats garbage. takes quite a POS to rip others off, do these dirtbags get banned or anything?

No admin and mods can't really do anything because the selling/wanted section is kind of like "buy/sell at your own risk." I understand that but for a seller to just straight up say "it's ok, I didnt want to work with you anyways" about a product he just sold you is horrible.
that sucks Fabb but we had talked about this before. kinda sketchy way to do business. cmon 2kuik4u you need to make this up to Fabb to get your name of the sh*t list thats not cool. and everyone dont forget his alter ego 2kuik4muharovic either :-D=))=))
sorry as a mod i cant do anything. The For Sale and Wanted sections are buyer risk.

I do howver only sujest people use PayPal. No money orders, or cash threw the mail. PayPal is easy to use. Anyone can get a bacnk account for free these days. You guys that dont have it should.
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