Spent the day sandblasting today. My little 4 Gallon compressor couldn't provide the sufficient volume that the sandblaster needed, so my dad brought a 5 gallon one home from work. I ran a line from both of them to the sandblaster, worked much better. Also tried filtering the sand, worked good too. So the frame is pretty much done, preparation wise. Just going to do a few touch up areas tomorrow morning and then throw a coat of primer on there. Taking it down to my dads work on Saturday to paint. Got paint yesterday, $60 for a pint of the paint (color is Viper Blue, factory 2008 Dodge Viper's came this color). Plus activator, hardener, and clear coat, total came to $130. Also going to paint the A-Arms and Swingarm on Saturday. Only rattle can for them, metallic grey. Also might be sending my front hubs, rear hubs, carrier, and kicker lever to be PC'd gloss black by little3mil.
Here is Viper Blue:
Here is Viper Blue: