after whats been going on with this forum i have chosen not to support at all. that whole thread changed my mind completely.
If my memory serves me correctly the problem we had last night did not originate from supporters bashing non supporters. I believe the whole thing started because the question was asked if we would be for or against a raise in supporting member fees. And as we discussed what changes could be made to coincide with this raise alot of non supporters ( not bashing just stating facts) were very upset with the fact that they might have something taken away from them. Now I supported because I felt it was a good site. I have gotten good info from supporting and non supporting members alike. I understand some folks cant give. I get that, but I also know that this world is full of free loaders who without an incentive to do so, will never give a dime. I know there was alot of bashing back and forth, with reason no one wants to feel cheated on either end. I want results for my money and others don't wanna lose what they have for free now. Make a decision admin and let the cards fall where they may thats my opinion.
beer sucks ^^^ captain+coke
Seriously... What the hell did I miss? Details please?
i understand that the younger guys cant afford it or dont wanna pay for who knows what reason but the forum costs money to keep up on the net...
cbaber said it cost $200-$300 a month to keep it going..
imagine what all your blasters would be like without blaster forum, sure there are other forums out there witha sub-topic about blasters and everyother post says "quit being a sissy and get a real quad"
and to the ones threatening to leave it would be nice if you stayed but im not ganna lose any sleep if you go and i cant imagin anyone else will either..