Start of a new build

What ever will make it

lol I:I. nice work so far man, i relly like the way that krylon came out over the primer. i actually used that same sh*t on my tierods, good stuff for sure. you gonna get a little battbike porting? ive heard its naaasty B)
Frame completed
Bumper done with black andthe insert same as the fame
Completed the steem to.
Well got my box of goodies yesterday, a arms, wiring, plastics, gas tank, front hubs and shocks, box of bolts. Now time to start taring it all down and cleaning up for paint.
Took apart the left a arms and hubs. Sanded, primed , painted, and mounted on the frame. Also mounted the steem. Its starting to look like something you can ride. lol:)
Also primed the gas tank cover and trimed some fat off the front and rear fenders.
Finaly got all the parts out of my jeep and on to the back porch lol. Mounted the left shock and tire/rim. Had to knock out a stud, threads where all scant up. Got the right a arm broke down, cleaning it and preping for paint will have to come later. To damn hot, felt like I was melting :(
Rain rain go away, want to work on the blasty today. Seems like every time I get ready to paint it rains. Finaly got the plastics primed. Have got to get some more black to finish th a arm then I can get it back on the fame.
Finished painting the a arm, hope to put it back on after I get home tomarow. The front fenders also got there first coat of paint today. Still need the second and some clear. The back finder and tank cover still need paint to.
Cant wait to finaly get the front end off the block! :)