Should I rejet?

the postion of the airscrew that it idles the highest is the only way to confirm the proper pilot jet
if it idles the highest under 1/2 turn out = larger pilot
idles highest over 2-1/2 turns out = smaller pilot

btw...stock blaster pilot is 32.5, not 23 sumthin or other

and a plug chop is the only way to confirm the main jet, i'd throw a larger one in there to be safe, you cannot feel it frying the piston until it is too late
i'd try at leats a 250, or 290 to be really safe and work down
i know, i know, it's a pain in the azz, but must be done

Ok, there is a known difference between knowledge and wisdom compared to smarts. Knowledge and wisdom come from failure from trying, not something I have much of, in this area of expertise. I have smarts, lots of it, I've even been known to learn from someone else's mistakes before. So, I'll jet up. Now, here's a really good question...only because I haven't looked there a kit of jets you can order with a bunch of different sizes? Don't answer that unless you want to, by the time someone reads this, I will have the answer.

Also, I wasn't asking if the pilot size was the correct size, wondering if the number sounded like a logical number. Damn, come to think of it, I forgot to check the stupid needle setting too. :-[ I had it right in my hand. X(

ImaginesLonger..not sure what the carb came off of originally. I bought the blaster about 2 months ago and was fed nothing but lies and a fixer upper. Talking with a parts guy today, he basically said being a 28mm carb, he would imagine jets and pilots would have to be a size or two larger...then he tried to sell me a part damn well knowing it wouldn't work and said WHEN I brought it back, I would HAVE to pay a restocking fee. I almost became a violent man!!!

Ok, off to look for a kit of pilots and jets....why couldn't something be named a stewardess???
What did the carb come off from originally? i think awks right, that still sounds small. i thought even the 28mm vm mikuni have simular style/sizing jettingas the stock 26vm blaster carbs, correct? so like a 270main? 32.5 pilot?

thats what i'd assume also
possibly 1-2 size larger main for the few mm's increase in size, but the stock 32.5 should work, 35 max.
I had to read back through the posts to see wether we were talking of a Blaster.

It is running with a #150 main, then it is either stamped incorrectly, not a Mikuni jet, or you are running a type of fuel that I want the recipe for.
the jet kits available include all the ones they never sale, not the ones you need
I had to read back through the posts to see wether we were talking of a Blaster.

It is running with a #150 main, then it is either stamped incorrectly, not a Mikuni jet, or you are running a type of fuel that I want the recipe for.

I don't see how it would get stamped incorrectly, but I guess QC issues have caused worse things to happen. As for that fuel recipe, it is 10lbs of malt, 40lbs Corn (looking over my shoulder for the revenuer), ample supply of AWK Mountain stream and 2 cord of wood. I:I I'm sure you know what I'm gettin at. ;)

the jet kits available include all the ones they never sale, not the ones you need

Yeah, wow, you ain't kidding. I haven't found an array of jets in a kit that were over 220, of course I had to break for some dinner so I didn't look that much, but damn! So, I guess I'll just head down to the local parts store on Saturday and see what they got...they love seeing me come thru the door lately.

Also, 52.8??? Is that just poor eye sight? Do they make pilots that size?
Right awk, it's some freaky jet man but, then again, didn't you have a hard time finding the correct cap EZ? Who knows, maybe this things 150 translates to our 270-290?
Lol, with those numbers 150 n 58 that thing sounds like a Pwk!
Right awk, it's some freaky jet man but, then again, didn't you have a hard time finding the correct cap EZ? Who knows, maybe this things 150 translates to our 270-290?

Yeah, something was up with the cap. I ended up just threading it M8x1.00 and sticking another cable adjuster in it, ground that down for a short stub and it seemed to work. I think the guy at CarbPartsWarehouse was just trying to take advantage of me, get me to spend $129 for a new carb and kit instead of $8 for just the cap. I will say one thing, I'm used to riding 4x4s, just put it in H and go, but riding this thing, it wants to run. My yard is too small to open it up, and again, all my reading about leak downs test and KABOOM if ya don't, is freaking me out so I don't get on it....but I want to. :D

As for it maybe being a PWK...carb body says Mikuni...but then again, ya never know.
Yeah, something was up with the cap. I ended up just threading it M8x1.00 and sticking another cable adjuster in it, ground that down for a short stub and it seemed to work. I think the guy at CarbPartsWarehouse was just trying to take advantage of me, get me to spend $129 for a new carb and kit instead of $8 for just the cap. I will say one thing, I'm used to riding 4x4s, just put it in H and go, but riding this thing, it wants to run. My yard is too small to open it up, and again, all my reading about leak downs test and KABOOM if ya don't, is freaking me out so I don't get on it....but I want to. :D

As for it maybe being a PWK...carb body says Mikuni...but then again, ya never know.

Ok, shut me off, I'm a retard! :o The 52.8 pilot wasn't the freaking pilot, it was the needle and seat, and it is a 2.8. :-[ Now I don't know what the pilot is, (meaning I don't know the number, I do know where it is located) but this weekend I will tear it down and be a little smarter with what I am looking at....hopefully. Anyhow, once that is done, I'm gonna order #290, #270 and #250 Main Jets. Depending on the pilot size, I might throw one or two of them in there. I've had enough for tonight.
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Is the main jet a 6mm hex style?

Skeered? Tell me you're skeered. :D Leakdown is just insureance against trouble. Takes only a few minutes. Peace of mind: priceless I:I
Is the main jet a 6mm hex style?

Skeered? Tell me you're skeered. :D Leakdown is just insureance against trouble. Takes only a few minutes. Peace of mind: priceless I:I

Yes, it is a "Large Hex" style...6mm???...I don't know for sure. As for being "Skeered", hmmm, not really sure that exact word came out, maybe I would have used, "Overly Cautious". Not that $$$ is a big issue, but let's get real, if I can prevent shipping costs, machining, new parts and 3 heat cycles, I'll buy that insurance. Not that it guarantees anything, but it's better than driving with a blindfold on.
6 mm hex, hmmm. Could that be a dynojet number, the 150? If so, don't we have a post somewhere with dynojet to mikuni numbers somewhere? I'd say for a couple o bucks, get the crossover number jet, be it whatever;270-290... And see if they match in sizing? Btw, no fear bro!!! Lol
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying with the DynoJet numbers, but when I looked up the main jets on the site I'm gonna purchase them from, they were listed under Mikuni "Large Hex Head" Jets. I'm thinking the 6mm reference he was talking about was to the hex size, and it seems to ring a bell.
Ok, well, I'm just gonna let all of that go because, again, I'm clueless of this stuff as of right now. Anyhow, I'll get into it and figure it out. I do know, the main looks exactly like what the image on the ordering site was...of course, that could really be nothing, I know. Anyhow, when I get back to it, I'll take some photos, I promise **fingers crossed behind back** and post them first thing. 8-|
Ok, well, I'm just gonna let all of that go because, again, I'm clueless of this stuff as of right now. Anyhow, I'll get into it and figure it out. I do know, the main looks exactly like what the image on the ordering site was...of course, that could really be nothing, I know. Anyhow, when I get back to it, I'll take some photos, I promise **fingers crossed behind back** and post them first thing. 8-|

Sorry for all the mumbo jumbo. Different companies that offer 'jet kits' use their own number system to determin size that's different that stock jet numbers. All I meant was if the number on your jet Is 150, maybe it's from one of those 'kits' so, if their number is 150, what does that translate to a stock jet number?
Sorry for all the mumbo jumbo. Different companies that offer 'jet kits' use their own number system to determin size that's different that stock jet numbers. All I meant was if the number on your jet Is 150, maybe it's from one of those 'kits' so, if their number is 150, what does that translate to a stock jet number?

Yeah, I kinda got that, and I wasn't being a douche saying I would let that go, just trying not to get overloaded with too much info ya know. I'm already learning more than I'll probably retain :-[. How would I know, by looking at the Jet, if it is a DynoJet or a Mikuni? I'm guessing they don't stamp their logo or company name on the jet.
Lmao, I've already had to dump half my knowledge of stupid music trivia just to remember some of the stuff about this Blaster. Who sang disco duck??? Oh yeah, Rick dees. Whew, thank god I still remember That!!
I guess there's no real way of telling who manufactured what jet. It's all in their numbers and sizing. Like I said, get a handful of mains and pilots say 250-300 mains and 32.5-38 pilots and see which works best. You could try to visually match them to see if there's any Huge difference. I have pretty much the same set up as you; fmf exhaust no porting, no lid on airbox and maxima pro filter. Right now I'm running a stock 26mm vm mikuni with 290 main, 32.5 pilot, needle on the middle clip(factory setting) and 330ft for elevation. It runs good! Pulls with no bog! Also, air screw is 2 turns out. I'm upgrading to a Keihin 28mm pwk next week so I too have to relearn everything I just did about mikuni jetting! Yup, you guessed it, no more knowing who sang Kung fu fighting! Karl Douglas!! Lol.
Lmao, I've already had to dump half my knowledge of stupid music trivia just to remember some of the stuff about this Blaster. Who sang disco duck??? Oh yeah, Rick dees. Whew, thank god I still remember That!!
I guess there's no real way of telling who manufactured what jet. It's all in their numbers and sizing. Like I said, get a handful of mains and pilots say 250-300 mains and 32.5-38 pilots and see which works best. You could try to visually match them to see if there's any Huge difference. I have pretty much the same set up as you; fmf exhaust no porting, no lid on airbox and maxima pro filter. Right now I'm running a stock 26mm vm mikuni with 290 main, 32.5 pilot, needle on the middle clip(factory setting) and 330ft for elevation. It runs good! Pulls with no bog! Also, air screw is 2 turns out. I'm upgrading to a Keihin 28mm pwk next week so I too have to relearn everything I just did about mikuni jetting! Yup, you guessed it, no more knowing who sang Kung fu fighting! Karl Douglas!! Lol.

LMAO, my buddy has Kung Fu Fighting as a ringtone for, I don't have a black belt and I definitely am not 6'7" tall with 6-pack abs....but there is a long story behind it. Anyhow, where in VT is there 330ft el? I live in the flatlands of WNY and I'm at ~1800ft el. Anyhow, tomorrow is the day I dismantle the carb and see just what I got going on in there. Hopefully when I take pictures, they will turn out well enough you guys don't think I'm completely wacko. I:I