R.I.P. Our Good Friend Durby

please do not regret or blame yourselves for a second. He would be overcome with joy and happiness like I am. I am serious if anyone wants to attend his celebration of life please do not hesitate to come. I posted the info above if i can remember right.
I am all the way in Massachusetts and will fly to Cali on my dime to bring some joy to the family.

The more I learn of Mike the more it hits home and realize how much we had in common.

That's a fine Offer Ian. The character of a true family man, and good person. Max Reps!

I feel like I had alot in common with him too. We all go to the grind everyday, come home, do our wrenching, Help our kids, and our outlet is riding. Riding is still the one thing that we all have that reminds us when life was simpler. It was my first love 30 years ago, and alot of you guys also. We all want the best for our kids, and do anything to make their lives better than ours were growing up.

Their is a little bit of "Durby" in all of us. We all had something in common with him. That's why he holds such a special place in all our hearts. He was one of us.

We all are stangers behind computers. Most of us haven't met. Some day some of us will, some of us may never. But we all look out for each other though a common bond, and share a love of family, and Riding. That's why I'm proud to say Mike was my friend. That's also why I'm proud to say I'm a Member OF THE BEST DAMN ATV FORUM ON THE INTERNET.

Brandy, anything I can do to assist you in your time of need, please do no hesitate to call upon me. If this Thread was about any of us, "Durby" would have been typing away offering his assistance. That's why he was so special to so many of us.

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Durby was in fact like a lot of us,It has hit me hard especially with his love for his family and I will pray for his wife and kids every day.I just wish there was more I could do Brandy if you need anything just message me
R.I.P. Durby, my heart goes out to his wife and kids ! Try to stay strong and remember all of the good times and happy memories you have with Mike. Through memories he will in some way or another live on FOREVER !
His celebration of life will be from 10 to 2 pm on the 8th

Brandy, thank you for the invite and considering us all as family.
unfortunately it is not in my cards right now to attend the celebration on the 8th.
i may just go ridiing that day from 10-2 and have myself a private celebration, that i had the oppurtunity to know such a good man.
Did he need a kick starter? I thought I read that one of the blasters needed one. I found an extra and will be happy to ship it.

awesome offer bro,
it very well may be in better shape than the one i was/am going to ship ?
the one i have has all the paint wore off, and flips out to beat your shin, and i'm out of those repair springs and balls right now.
if you think what you have is better, i will supply you the address, and pay postage if needed, Pm me to lemme know
Brandy, thank you for the invite and considering us all as family.
unfortunately it is not in my cards right now to attend the celebration on the 8th.
i may just go ridiing that day from 10-2 and have myself a private celebration, that i had the oppurtunity to know such a good man.

i would gladly join you AWK08 tearing it up riding.... but i have 2 feet of snow.... maybe ill just mix some gas and rev the dirt bike up for alittle bit in memory
awesome offer bro,
it very well may be in better shape than the one i was/am going to ship ?
the one i have has all the paint wore off, and flips out to beat your shin, and i'm out of those repair springs and balls right now.
if you think what you have is better, i will supply you the address, and pay postage if needed, Pm me to lemme know

The one I have has yellow paint on it. Not sure if it's better than yours.
Rest in peace Durby "Mike". One of the great forum members that make this forum what it is. You will be missed brother.

I too will be taking a ride on the day and time of his celebration of life. Even if time only allows for a few laps around the yard.