R.I.P. Our Good Friend Durby

I thought it used to say what quads we had when he would post? I am not sure what year they are :( I will have to see about getting the vin number
Michael's nickname had special meaning to him. Yes he had a love of adrenaline and to feed this he did Demolition Derbies from 2004-2007 and he played an MMORPG called Warcraft since 2003/2004 until 1-19-14 and one of his main characters was a gnome warrior named Durby, and his Lab AKC registered dog's name is Hightest Total Destruction with a call sign of "Derby". SO this held a special place in his heart. He even had Durby tattooed on his upper back in a riveted, crunched up sheet metal.

I find myself thinking of Michael more and more daily. I got the official cause of death as "multiple traumas"? He suffered a broken right leg, scratches and scrapes on his right arm, but no broken neck or heart conditions and it was ruled an Accident. There was more, but its a foreign language to me so once it is put into my language i will be more specific. The report said he was travelling at 40 mph which is but is not fast in my opinion considering 2 minutes into the ride he was traveling at 60.9 mph..In my head i knew he was gone, but my heart was hoping for a mistaken identity type of scenario,but the autopsy report confirmed what my head knew. Still can get my heart to believe it yet :(
Brandy, thinking about a passed loved one is natural, it is part of the grieving process.

The more you think about Michael the stronger you will become.

Hang in there lass, things will get better with time.