R.I.P. Our Good Friend Durby

nope I have not found the key yet. I am gonna put a call into yamaha and see if a new one can be made.. I really dont want to change a thing ~ Brandy
so yamaha says i will have to change the main switch assembly :( they said a locksmith doing a blind cut may cost more than a new switch with keys... guess i will just hold off some, and hope i find the key. I just looked again and I still cant find it... I checked his pockets, etc... waiting game it is :(
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so yamaha says i will have to change the main switch assembly :( they said a locksmith doing a blind cut may cost more than a new switch with keys... guess i will just hold off some, and hope i find the key. I just looked again and I still cant find it... I checked his pockets, etc... waiting game it is :(

On the back of the key switch there is 2 wires coming off of it. If you follow those down a few inches you will see disconnects. Pull one of the disconnects apart(unless it's one piece), breaking the connectivity and try to start the machine. This should work and when you find the key you can plug the wire back in and back to normal.
Brandy.....Without reading the posts above, as I'm still not home and using the tapatalk app.

Have you looked under the seat of the quad in the airbox/tool kit area ?
I used to hide my key there all the time.
i hope i find it too :) because i dont want to change a thing on those quads. Want them as they were when he was here
I FOUND the key last night in his Hunting Jacket of all places in his side of the closet.....Going to let his middle boy ride it as he was never able to go riding with us :(
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Yes. Our little girl and I did 2 laps around the yard in his honor on the Raptor 250 :) the pictures of the kids are from today and the one of him was last summer


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guys I see that the Owens family is riding and I know that the pink and white blasty needs rear brakes if its 03+ I will give parts needed.If its 98-02 can somebody help these wonderful people out and kick out whatever is needed do it for durby
I did get a package the Tuesday after he died, but I believe it was parts for our boys quad.. It is still sealed in the box.~ Brandy