porting template?

Here's some pics of a finished cylinder using the Sport Port porting templates. John sent a book with the templates and includes specs for raising the transfer ports as well as some porting tips and tricks. I followed his directions to the letter and it looked like it was going to work very well. If you go to his web site ( racelogic.com ) he states that his porting specs will never compromise dependability for HP and I believe him. I can tell he put a lot of time and effort into the development of this product. I mounted the cylinder on my quad , did some jetting and HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thing pulls like freight train!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've learned to trust my ass dyno and when I come back with brown spots in my undies I know thing are running right. Sucks doing the laundry but that's what Jess is for. After a complete evaluation of this mans product, I give a a FIVE THUMBS UP. If you're serious about porting your own cylinder this tool is a must have. I've posted his link on my web site and fully endorse his product! Nice job john!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the support!




Here's some pics of a finished cylinder using the Sport Port porting templates. John sent a book with the templates and includes specs for raising the transfer ports as well as some porting tips and tricks. I followed his directions to the letter and it looked like it was going to work very well. If you go to his web site ( racelogic.com ) he states that his porting specs will never compromise dependability for HP and I believe him. I can tell he put a lot of time and effort into the development of this product. I mounted the cylinder on my quad , did some jetting and HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thing pulls like freight train!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've learned to trust my ass dyno and when I come back with brown spots in my undies I know thing are running right. Sucks doing the laundry but that's what Jess is for. After a complete evaluation of this mans product, I give a a FIVE THUMBS UP. If you're serious about porting your own cylinder this tool is a must have. I've posted his link on my web site and fully endorse his product! Nice job john!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the support!






the ass dyno strikes again!!!!

so this cylinder works better than the one that you did have on the bike i take it?
So five thumbs up? geez... what kind of tools would you need? The same stuff as in your porting do it yourself?
im glad to see you went ahead and tried it out. i might get brave enough to try it one day. did you run it with your toomey. because i know a toomey is made for mid to high end and you said the port template is set up for trail which means low to mid i guess. if you ran it with a toomey and it works as good as you say then i probly will try it. i just wasnt sure about mixing high end pipes with trail ports. or vise versa.
I mounted the cylinder on my quad , did some jetting and HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thing pulls like freight train!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've learned to trust my ass dyno and when I come back with brown spots in my undies I know thing are running right. Sucks doing the laundry but that's what Jess is for.

Ah man, I won't tell her ya said that!
Glad it's all working good! I can't wait to test my ass dyno - hope I don't have the squirts that day!!
I ran the Toomy on Johns cylinder and it pulled great from low to high. Not suppressing when when you think about putting a Toomy on a stock cylinder. Installing a Toomy on a stock Blaster makes a big difference and broadens the entire power range right out of the box.