This is my first time posting here. I've tried to find information on this subject here on the forums, the service manual, and a couple friends. Maybe I'm just blind, but I couldn't find it.
The problem is the clutch doesn't seem to be engaging when I squeeze the lever (I made sure it's lined up on the engine case). The second I put it into first it just lurches forward and dies. Starts up on the first kick and idles just fine though. It had started doing this last summer so I decided to store it and overhaul it the next year to try to find the issue.
Fast forward to now and I finished putting it all back together and torquing everything to spec according to the service manual. It's a 1999 Blaster (the one in my profile pic) and the only aftermarket mods it has are the DG exhaust pipe and muffler, and Boyesan 630 power reeds (installed a day ago because I noticed the old ones had a worn edge). I also disabled/removed the oil pump system (pre-mixing now) and the TORS. I won't go into cosmetic work done, but I pulled the cylinder off to inspect and clean the walls, piston, rings, etc (all looked good) and new gaskets installed. Pulled the clutch cover off and replaced the clutch pads and springs with new ones, everything torqued, and new Bel Ray 80W oil added (suggested by Ray C's bike shop). Did a leak down test on the motor and found no bubbles. The carb is clean as a whistle and has the stock 230 jet and I've made sure the mix screw is at the stock 1.5 position.
So my main concern is, did I install the clutch plates right? Like I said above I couldn't find a specific order for them anywhere. Youtube video and a friend said just just make sure the little bumps on the plates don't overlap so I tried to space them out evenly, and I made sure the dot on the cover matched up with the dot on the basket before torquing down. The bike still starts right up on the first kick while in neutral and idles strong, but when I hold the clutch and put into first it still just lurches forward and dies. I'm no pro mechanic, but I've tried doing everything by the book with this thing and its got me stumped.
Pictured: before and after on the bike. I pulled this thing apart "completely" and if I found a speck of dirt/rust/old grease, it got removed. Hung up all the frame parts, prepped and painted painted with tractor primer and paint. Every joint, arm, bearing has been cleaned and packed with fresh grease. Aside from the beat up plastics, sitting on this bike feels like it's brand new. Spent about 3 weeks just going to town on this thing replacing anything that looked worn (cept for the body paneling). (I can't seem to add images or use the media gallery, sorry.)
This is my first time posting here. I've tried to find information on this subject here on the forums, the service manual, and a couple friends. Maybe I'm just blind, but I couldn't find it.
The problem is the clutch doesn't seem to be engaging when I squeeze the lever (I made sure it's lined up on the engine case). The second I put it into first it just lurches forward and dies. Starts up on the first kick and idles just fine though. It had started doing this last summer so I decided to store it and overhaul it the next year to try to find the issue.
Fast forward to now and I finished putting it all back together and torquing everything to spec according to the service manual. It's a 1999 Blaster (the one in my profile pic) and the only aftermarket mods it has are the DG exhaust pipe and muffler, and Boyesan 630 power reeds (installed a day ago because I noticed the old ones had a worn edge). I also disabled/removed the oil pump system (pre-mixing now) and the TORS. I won't go into cosmetic work done, but I pulled the cylinder off to inspect and clean the walls, piston, rings, etc (all looked good) and new gaskets installed. Pulled the clutch cover off and replaced the clutch pads and springs with new ones, everything torqued, and new Bel Ray 80W oil added (suggested by Ray C's bike shop). Did a leak down test on the motor and found no bubbles. The carb is clean as a whistle and has the stock 230 jet and I've made sure the mix screw is at the stock 1.5 position.
So my main concern is, did I install the clutch plates right? Like I said above I couldn't find a specific order for them anywhere. Youtube video and a friend said just just make sure the little bumps on the plates don't overlap so I tried to space them out evenly, and I made sure the dot on the cover matched up with the dot on the basket before torquing down. The bike still starts right up on the first kick while in neutral and idles strong, but when I hold the clutch and put into first it still just lurches forward and dies. I'm no pro mechanic, but I've tried doing everything by the book with this thing and its got me stumped.
Pictured: before and after on the bike. I pulled this thing apart "completely" and if I found a speck of dirt/rust/old grease, it got removed. Hung up all the frame parts, prepped and painted painted with tractor primer and paint. Every joint, arm, bearing has been cleaned and packed with fresh grease. Aside from the beat up plastics, sitting on this bike feels like it's brand new. Spent about 3 weeks just going to town on this thing replacing anything that looked worn (cept for the body paneling). (I can't seem to add images or use the media gallery, sorry.)
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