I voted dirtbike because I think they are funner... I've had a quad all my life, they're starting to get a little LESS entertaining.
I will always love the dirtbikes for sure.I still own one and always will.For me there a blast to ride(not that a quad isn't) but there two different animals.Around me queads are great for wide trails and pits but we have alot of powerlines and the whoops on a bike are so much easier on the body than quads are.Quads are a blast also just 2 wheels is in my blood.lol So for that reason I am voting for 2 wheels.
I would choose quad because dirtbikes are harder to ride and more tiring plus I can't ride a dirtbike if my life depended on it. I like going all out and that's hard to do on a bike without wrecking. Quads you can beat the crap out of and be fine
i find a dirtbike to be less tiring. its alot lighter and easier to corner. i vote quads though. i think there just more fun!
Foul language warning.....
I HATE 99% of all dirtbike riders. Any of you guys on this site that ride a bike make up the 1% that I can get along with, but for the rest of them, I want to kill them all. I am referring to the MX dirtbike crowd...
Dirtbikers are nothing but cry baby pansies that scream, biotch and moan when they dont get their way. They are responsible for over half of all tracks in my area banning quads. The twotards complain that quads make too much dust and mess up their precious berms on the inside of corners. Dirtbikers have actually approached me at tracks and told me to stay off their berms, to which I reply "f**ck off and dont come within fifty feet of me ever again. Apparently, without these berms dirtbikers can not turn on a track. I dont know what the poor guys do on race days when the track is groomed and there are no berms.
If anyone thinks I am exaggerating about the character of these ass holes, go browse the forums on the biggest dirtbike website in the world - ThumperTalk
I myself like a quad, my old ass doesn't have the reflexes to ride two wheels anymore. Don't go to track to hear the bikers cry, i ride with all of them, they are usually in front and tossing rocks! Chest protector is optimal!
Yeah, I would imagine if you let them roost rocks all over you all day they wouldnt complain as much about ATVs, but I dont let that that happen when I ride. Dirtbikers tend to get butt hurt when they get passed by a quad since the general concensus among twotards is that two wheelers are faster than four.