No more quading =[

this thread deffinatly makes me scared. my dad tells me everytime before i go riding that usually 3 or 4 people die every year in my county on quads. and in the county im from its usually 5 or 6. he tells me to be careful and dont be one of those people. this also puts me in a position that when i ask my dad if i can go riding and he says no i will understand and not argue with him about it. ive tore my leg open in a wreck and ive broke my collar bone in a wreck but i have never done anything like that.
in some ways, its GOOD to bring up stuff like this for the newer riders! ive always known there are 2 types of riders; ones that have Been down and ones that are Going down! when you read threads like this one it should be a No Brain-er to Wear a Helmet and Safety Gear No Matter How Far your going or how fast! it only takes once!!!!
Calm down Billy Bad*** haha he was just posting on a thread that he liked jeez. Maybe he actually used the search button. If he did hes the first one in years.

Yes I acually did I may be a newbie to this forum but I know what I'm doin and I also may be the same age as the kid that wrecked into the tree but guess what I'm as knowledgable as half the guys on this forum ive been rebuilding motors since I was 10 by my self
in some ways, its GOOD to bring up stuff like this for the newer riders! ive always known there are 2 types of riders; ones that have Been down and ones that are Going down! when you read threads like this one it should be a No Brain-er to Wear a Helmet and Safety Gear No Matter How Far your going or how fast! it only takes once!!!!

exactly mate. i wear all the right gear and ma mums bf always says to me why i have to wear it all but id rather wear the stuff than fall of and something bad happen. iv came off quads and bikes more than 8 times now and not once had to go to hospital as iv always wore the protective gear