^^^^^^ Well said^^^^^ My sentiments exactly.
I put off responding to this thread not knowing what exactly to say, but you said it perfectly. Its very sad to see someone get hurt, but its good to hear although you both are banged up pretty badly that you lived to pass on your new found wisdom to others.
Hope your friend recovers well, and while bones will heal you will both have to deal with the emotional scars, and the hard lesson learned that day for the rest of your lives.
My kids are really good riders, but every time they hop on a quad I get a light chill worrying that something like this could happen. My sentiments also go out to both your parents who also have to live with the decision to allow their kids to ride beyond their limits.
Take this experience, what you went through, and how it affected you and share it with as many people as you can. You may have an effect on someone, and it may possibly save someones life in the future.
All in all its a blessing that you guys lived through this. Im sure you and you friend will be a lot closer from now on, and appreciate life on a whole new level.