Looking sweet! Custom extension?
No it's a modquad! was a little more than i wanted to pay, but i just can't stop buying! it uses a sealed bearing for thr lower hole instead of the delrin bushing! seems to be smoother, but no cable hooked up yet!
I bought one for my banshee and love it for the simple fact its long enough to use your palm instead of your thumb if you choose to do so when your thumb gets tired.
Got the rear just about together tonight and the extended thumb throttle on, grips and bar ends... Small progress but some!
I painted the rear axle with carbon mist spray paint actually looks just like carbon fiber! 3 coats not sure how that will hold up but looks good!
Heres the paint i used-
the bar ends-
I:I that looks sick slick. is that a 400ex shock? the color combo you did on it looks amazing. I:I