got a new 30-06 bolt today going out tomorow to fire off a few shots and sight in the scope then monday is the first day of buck time to try and kill some stuff havent shot it yet but i already love this gun so here are the pics

gotta love savages accurate as crap. got this gun off my uncle. hadn't been shot for a long time (if ever). used a box of cheap core-lokt ammo to bring it in. took maybe 15 shots to bring it in(we were taking small steps to b safe) last five would have fit under a half dollar. and at this point my shoulder was falling off! lol
i cant wait to feel the kick lol i love the clip also it will make unloading soooo much easier than with the 30-30 i was useing last year
o il be in this one and for that statement i must just come on down to j-town to do some shootingsweet gun !!!!!!!!
just lemme know what county you'll be in, so i can be in the next one, ahahahaaaaaa
now u just got to get off the net to actually go out and shoot it lol
if you mind me asking, howmuch did you pick it up for?