06 Wont throttle up at all?

If you use that key make sure it in correctly AND timing plate has to be at ZERO advance
I’m pretty sure I’ve got it right. I nstallled the degree key according to the instructions. I did order a new oem key in the meantime. Again no guarantee I’m def new to wrenching on this stuff always rode it never cared how it worked when I was younger! Now I’m paying for my ignorance 20 years later. Thanks guys
I’m pretty sure I’ve got it right. I nstallled the degree key according to the instructions. I did order a new oem key in the meantime. Again no guarantee I’m def new to wrenching on this stuff always rode it never cared how it worked when I was younger! Now I’m paying for my ignorance 20 years later. Thanks guys

There is a pdf in general repair section, but I would suggest a Clymers repair manual. Best money you’ll ever spend on your Blaster. It has general shop tips plus a troubleshooting section..
Maybe this will help. Sounds like you only hooked one side together. Not both.
Tors may still be active. Hensh idle only?