nboldmans 02' rebuild!

Thats a great idea for a young guy dying to ride. Good to see that you learned to be responsible after putting so much hard work into your build. Great job man its looking really good.

Thanks, still a little ways to go, but its getting there. Before the airleak my dad almost caused a trip to the hospital for himself. He got on it and pulled a monsterous wheelie in second gear and was close to falling off the back
Well as my blaster was stolen and beaten up (case broken and frame broke in certain spots) im deciding to rebuild once again! luck can never be on my side. This time im going to do it right, powdercoated frame, non-painted plastics, fresh rebuilt motor, all the parts needed even if it takes me a year to do so im going to do it right. Hopefully i can get the job at the interview i have tomorrow. Hoping i can have it at least rideable for awks next year. If not guess who might have the donor motor for KOR next year ;) Would love to do both, but if i cant make it to awks i will definatly try and make it to kens.
well heres the pics of the carnge after it was stolen. rust on the frame is where the plastics mount broke off and you can see the sealer.


sorry it was dark when i went out there today.
well since im going to full rebuild again i came up with a nice powder color for the frame that will go nice with the polar white im going to get done. it looks like this
Theres the two colors next to each other.

thats a transparent copper of a chrome base. Will llook pretty sweet to me. Also will be trying to buy my replacement case here soon
Well, that pretty well has had the living crap beat out of it. I'm not sure that's worth repairing as that's an extensive amount of damage....

You already have the word on what it will cost to replace it. Now it's time to tool up and yank it apart.
Well started tearing into the motor and the kid who stole it was in the motor because i didnt use that red silicone sh*t in there.
and i have no idea what that black crap is.

Hopefully they did not use that Flex seal stuff for Case bond , Sorry to see all this damage , But You did get it back unlike 50% of people !

well people on the forum are really helping me out too with some good deals, $120 on an 03+ frame and headlight, $50 for a replacement case halve, and im sure im getting teh 03 frame powder coated. so the stealign might be worth it because im probably going to get a better quad out of it.
It's honestly really pissing me off that someone you know would do this sh*t. If that motherf**cker ever step foot within 50 feet of me, he'd be on the ground with my fist in his face. You really have to be a f**cking lifeless piece of sh*t to go stealing someone else's property. Especially since you put YOUR time and YOUR money into it, and then that f**cker decides he'll just take it. You know what also is nagging at me? That this ass hole could be on this forum, watching every single one of your posts. I feel really sorry for you man, and I hope everything turns out great in the end! If you need any parts, let me know and I'll do my best to get you them
It's honestly really pissing me off that someone you know would do this sh*t. If that motherf**cker ever step foot within 50 feet of me, he'd be on the ground with my fist in his face. You really have to be a f**cking lifeless piece of sh*t to go stealing someone else's property. Especially since you put YOUR time and YOUR money into it, and then that f**cker decides he'll just take it. You know what also is nagging at me? That this ass hole could be on this forum, watching every single one of your posts. I feel really sorry for you man, and I hope everything turns out great in the end! If you need any parts, let me know and I'll do my best to get you them

ehh, dont worry about it the lifeless scum, is in juvy for a year and then gets tranfered to jail for 3-5 and ill just say one thing i hope the little motherf**cker drops the soap.
He was one of my brothers friends and i think when it happened he used lock cutters and cut the lock off my shed and loaded it onto the back of a truck. I ended up finding it on craigslist a few days and called teh cops and they went and picked it up and had my identfy it. But we didnt find any of the stuff that was taken out of the house 6K worth of stuff. And dont worry about parts, ill get them, just have to find a job. ive got a frame lined up to replace m broken one and i have a case halve lined up which is really the only parts of it broken.