has anyone heard of this bike its made by an american company its a 700cc 2 stroke dirtbike i think the website to see it is usatk.com but if not go to google n type in atk motorcycles
I've never heard of ATK before but I googled it those things look pretty nice but they're so expensive. while they have a lot of nice features I think they will have trouble selling at those prices since you can get an equivalant (well maybe not the 700 2-stroke but the quads and the other bikes) name brand machine for an equal if not better price
yea kno sh*t that would be a straight hell ride!!!. I would love to punch the powerband on that beast.
I did go to there web site and as far as what they offer, its great there options seem to be on par with dare I say it KTM plus they have on the fly ecu adjustments. I just think they would have trouble competing for sales with names like honda suzuki yamaha ktm kawisaki you know the "big names" just because they're not as well known I also noticed that they offer their 450 quad with an auto tranny which leads me to this question. Do they make there own engines If not what kind of engine is on it?this is a name brand and if u go to the actual website and read about wat all comes on one of the bikes there actually worth about that much