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Banshee Master Cylindar and Warrior Brake Pedal

Oops - Cylinder^

The first thing I did was to size up the stuff I had to mount:

Finally, I decided to use the left side Blaster peg and the Warrior pedal and pedal boss. The spacing was driven by the need to get full compression on the Banshee master cylinder (13mm or ~1/2 in.) with the pedal swing available. I worked it out using some stiff cardboard and making several templates so I put the dimensions in this drawing in case anybody wants to try it:

Cut the boss from the Warrior peg:

and ground it to fit the new Blaster pedal:

Tack weld and test fit to confirm that the full range of motion at the back of the pedal will be available (again);

Finish welding the pedal and boss to make a new pedal:

I Scavanged some screw tabs from the "donor frame" that was used for pieces earlier. Ground them to get a good fit on the "new" frame and clamped them in place to weld:

I had to make a decision to give up the mounting tab for the stock "nerf bar". Otherwise the upper mounting tab for the master cylinder would have been too crowded and not quite right. I had to use my cell phone camera and lighting was bad for some of these pics but the mounts for the master cylinder came out pretty good and that plunger on the cylinder is actually straight in line with the MC body. :)

There are other ways some faster and sloppier, some more refined to get that Banshee master cylinder mounted and reliably working with a pedal. I really want this to look like it was made that way once I finally get to powder coat the whole thing. B)
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truth be told i'm not happy with my master cylinder geometry and it needs fixed lol.

the car definitely needs a lot of attention though!
Anyone got a Banshee rear brake ressi?

Wow, it's been a while...
I finally got some time last weekend and mounted the rezzi for the brakes. Then, while I was being full of myself and admiring my own handiwork, I realized that the silencer pipe had to go right through the spot where I mounted the rezzi
so after a little bit (OK a whole lot) of swearing, I cut the newly welded tabs back off and called it a day. Finally got some time yesterday and remounted the Banshee rezz. Was able to just get it low enough that the cap can be removed without having to take off the silencer to do it. If you look at the pic, you can see the black silencer tube just above the rezzi cap.

You may have noticed the blackened tab on the left side of the rezz. That's what happens when you get impatient and don't shield things before you tack-weld them in place. Flash burns from the weld. Oh well, anyone got a Banshee rezz?


WTF!?!?! This image was just working.

try this direct link ...

http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab266/Muggzy_photo/Blaster Mods/22-FinalMountingPlace.jpg

Oh Fu@k it!!! Check the post below...
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Thanks Brandon, me either :-[ I just got the brake assy. in the mail yesterday (missing the pedal - oh well) So I loosely hung the sprocket and caliper to get a better feel for how things are gonna fit:


While looking at it I figured if I align the sprocket with the center of the rear chain guide, I could get a reasonably close L-R position for the carrier:


So I'll just take measurements off of the gaps on either side of the carrier and the carrier mtg tabs and make my first set of spacers from this position:


You can see how much more space there is on the right than on the left. It bothered me at first but then I realized that the Blaster's swinger is offset to make room for the chain roller on the swinger pivot.

Things to Do:
1) Measure the gaps on either side of the carrier to make spacers
2) Measure the tube IDs on the carrier and the mounting bolt ODs to see what dims I'll need to make the filler sleeves (or bushings if they're available).
3) Test fit these all together to see if there'll be any interference problems through the range of chain adjustment on the carrier.
4) Get a Brake pedal so I can figure out what mods will be needed to mount the master cylinder and rezzi.

dont use a banshee carrier with spacers when u jump that quad it will bend the bolts and throw your chain off and take out the case more than likely ask ken oconnor get a carrier from an 03 up blaster
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if u need an o3 up blasty carrier i have one ill sell for 40 plus the ride what else is nice about that is it has the mount for a rear hydro brake also
dont use a banshee carrier with spacers when u jump that quad it will bend the bolts and throw your chain off and take out the case more than likely ask ken oconnor get a carrier from an 03 up blaster

Yeah, I was a bit concerned about that. Also, the top pivot bolt has to be perfectly straight or it won't go through the tube I used to fill the space between the Banshee's larger bolt hole and the blaster's smaller bolt. A new bolt will go in but I was worried that I'll never get it out.

I'll take that 03 carrier you got. (PM will be sent in a sec)
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something's funny with links here, its starting to turn the percent sign into something else


that was a percent sign^^^
How're you doing Brandon,

yeah and I tried to troubleshoot and found the same thing. So I went back in and edited it and tried to resave and it still didn't work. Funny thing, was when I previewed, all looked fine. Go figure. I'm sending a message to admin now to see if they know something.
for the longest time i thought that 100% was some sort of weird ass computer lingo i didn't know about but it is just some sort of forum glitch. i researched it and it happens on lots of forums and i couldn't ever find a real answer as to why.

lookin good bro keep up the good work.
thanks Scott

Many servers can't or don't deal with spaces in file names so they fill them with %(that's supposed to be a percent sign) or other characters. It's pretty common but this is getting aggravating.
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New plastics and other parts

I finally got the new Maier plastics hangin on the frame. Also got a good deal on some other parts off of Craig's list: Bumper, Nerfs, Belly Skid plate, Red 03 hood, light and tank cover all for $200. Sold the hood and tank cover already (thanks Teamchaos). Got a '03 carrier so I can stop messing around with this Banshee carrier (thanks 1bad442) and I've got the stuff I need to put the engine back in the frame (reeds & TORS delete). Here are some pics (hope forum gods are smiling I:I )



Got all this stuff, now I just gotta find some time....
damn man i like that alot, those plastics look amazing I:I. coming along nicely, whats up with the motor (sorry i didnt read the whole thread lol)? how do you like your fast trekkers flipped backwards like that? i tried it for a while and didnt really like it much but they did seem to bite a bit better.