If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...

Thanks 3Wh33l3r, yeah I was groovin' on that green
(for a minute) but decided I liked the Black/Silver/Yellow combination instead :) . Wait 'til you see the seat cover and (maybe) graphics I'll have on there by next weekend I:I I'm still undecided on the frame color but I've got plenty of time before I've gotta worry about it.

Since this is getting to be all show and no go, I'm gonna do some engine work. I'm looking into a 240 jug/head but I'm looking for a used one, I can't spend 500+ on a new kit. My Plan-A is a port & polish job w/adv timing if I can't work out the cost of this plan-B. If anyone out there in Blasterland has something to offer off of a part-out or other suggestions, lmk I'm all ears.

I'm also looking for a used, extended swinger before I build my own. I took a real hard look at the one I've got off the corpse that was chopped up for the frame repair, and I'm not sure if the tubes off the front and the "ears" off the rear are worth scavenging.

If anyone has an extended swinger for the right price, it'll just make more sense to go that route. So again, let me know. Thanks
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If you could pay shipping I have a +4 swinger built by none other that StrokedTater himself. lol I bought it for like $50 so if you would give me like $50 and shipping I could send it out soon. Let me know. I would also trade for parts.
Well I finally got the seat cover done. Tried my own stapler and the staples would go all the way in so then I bought an electric stapler and that crushed the stapler, so my I threw in the towel on this seemingly simple do-it-yourself job and paid the $25 to have my local guy do it for me. The custom cover only cost $50 shipped and I had it in just over a week.

I also got an FMF Fatty pipe from TeamChaos. Does anyone know what the power characteristics are like for that pipe? It's gonna be a while before I get to actually try it out. I mostly ride trails so I'd like a good lo-mid range pipe.

george didn't you ride my blaster with the fmf on it? just wait till you ride mine with the factory 7, reeds, and big bore kit :)
Yeah, but that was before I had another exhaust to compare to. Look how shiny I got it...



After a good 40 min. rub down with some aluminum foil (I started with coke but quickly found that water worked just as well) Better get this thing out of the kitchen b4 the wifey sees the mess I just made in the sink



Finish it off with some Mother's Mag Wheel and Aluminum polish and a couple of hours in front of the TV:

If I give the hot end another going over with the aluminum foil, I could probably get it a little nicer. We'll have to see how much motivation I get and how busy I am over the next week or two. I:I
Hey Rob, Those pipes do make a difference! Much better on the low end. Unfortunately, there's not much running around I can do 'til this snow melts off :(

But I'm getting pretty close to done.....



And the best go-fast accessory of all .....

.Wait for it....
Matching sneakers

Saw them while I was toting bags around for the wife and just started laughing. She asked what was so funny and I just looked towards the sneakers. She rolled her eyes, shook her head and walked away
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Anyway, the new FMF Fatty exhaust is leaking where the pipe plugs onto the flange that's bolted to the cylinder. Anyone got any ideas to seal it?
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Anyway, the new FMF Fatty exhaust is leaking where the pipe plugs onto the flange that's bolted to the cylinder. Anyone got any ideas to seal it?

Wow, it's been a while. I stumbled onto these while I was looking for exhaust springs for the Banshee. (fmf exhaust springs | eBay)

The Procircuit platinums that I've got on there have o-rings in the engine ends of the header pipes. Only problem is I can't seem to find any orings that might fit the blaster. Gasket is already in there, but the pipe to flange joint is what's leaking. I measured the banshee but it'll be too big to use that o-ring.
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Schematic anyone!?!?!?!

Well that's about it for that frame. I just became the proud new owner of a blown up 2005 Blaster and rather than continue to upgrade the 2000 frame, I'm rebuilding the 2005 with the parts off this build. Nearly finished the change-over but my schematics don't match the remaining original wiring.
In some cases colors are wrong and other cases there are colors in the harness that don't exist in the schem. Also, there's only a CDI box nearly the size of a cigarette pack and no separate TORS module.

Anyone know where I can get an accurate schematic for this 2005 Blasty with the cigarette-pack-sized CDI module :-/
look around on here for the 03+ supplement, thats the wiring and hydro brake addition to the manual
i do know the tors is in with the cdi on 03+ models