Thanks 3Wh33l3r, yeah I was groovin' on that green
(for a minute) but decided I liked the Black/Silver/Yellow combination instead
. Wait 'til you see the seat cover and (maybe) graphics I'll have on there by next weekend I:I I'm still undecided on the frame color but I've got plenty of time before I've gotta worry about it.
Since this is getting to be all show and no go, I'm gonna do some engine work. I'm looking into a 240 jug/head but I'm looking for a used one, I can't spend 500+ on a new kit. My Plan-A is a port & polish job w/adv timing if I can't work out the cost of this plan-B. If anyone out there in Blasterland has something to offer off of a part-out or other suggestions, lmk I'm all ears.
I'm also looking for a used, extended swinger before I build my own. I took a real hard look at the one I've got off the corpse that was chopped up for the frame repair, and I'm not sure if the tubes off the front and the "ears" off the rear are worth scavenging.
If anyone has an extended swinger for the right price, it'll just make more sense to go that route. So again, let me know. Thanks

Since this is getting to be all show and no go, I'm gonna do some engine work. I'm looking into a 240 jug/head but I'm looking for a used one, I can't spend 500+ on a new kit. My Plan-A is a port & polish job w/adv timing if I can't work out the cost of this plan-B. If anyone out there in Blasterland has something to offer off of a part-out or other suggestions, lmk I'm all ears.
I'm also looking for a used, extended swinger before I build my own. I took a real hard look at the one I've got off the corpse that was chopped up for the frame repair, and I'm not sure if the tubes off the front and the "ears" off the rear are worth scavenging.
If anyone has an extended swinger for the right price, it'll just make more sense to go that route. So again, let me know. Thanks
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