I have a feeling im going to stick with fourstroke atv's

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New Member
Feb 20, 2010
Zebulon, NC
I have had nothing but motor problems with mine and my friends blaster , I am a huge yamaha honda advocate, but dang I have never had such trouble with a atv motor before my yz125's never had problems like this and my warrior seemed so much easier to work on now granted parts are not as cheap but what would you pay for reliability?

What do yall think ? is it just me?B)
it all comes to the owner man, if u change the oil, clean the filter, adjust and jet it properly, and just plain take care of it they are easy to take care of, 4 strokes won't save u any money if u can't keep the blaster running, they are even more expensive to repair, i'm 13 and can keep my blasty runnin, just saying dude, a quad runs as good as it's owner takes care of it.
IMO Blaster is the easiest motor i ever worked on. I would rather do three blaster motors than one Warrior. I have both and the Warrior is a PITA. My Blaster has at least a couple hundred hours of hard riding on a rebuild and going strong. I done alot of upgrades but im still riding on alot of 1989 parts on my blasty.
also, how lng have u haad the blastyer, if its used u never know what the old owner did to it, mines od owner suxked at maintaining quads and i had to fix my blaster, i would say just give it a chance, if its running like that then there is something wrong......
Maintaining the quad is key to keeping it running good. Give everything a good looking over every once in a while so you can catch problems before they get bad. Blasters are very simple machines, they take some work but most of it is pretty easy stuff. Main thing I've learned is do stuff the right way the first time and it'll save you time and money in the long run. I can't complain about my blaster, its been pretty trouble free.
ya same here i belive its all in the owner.. (EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO POLARIS!!!) haha but my blaster barley ran the last owner used so many wrong parts crappy oils, never greesed a bushing.. after mine was all rebuilt it ran perfect for me.. and same with my quadracer now the last 2 owners knew what they were doing and when you get good owners you get good quads, the 1st owner of the QR use to MX race it and you cant even tell other than the number plate fads, frame aint cracked like alot of them 85-86 swingy still good all bearings are really nice.. all in the owners!!
had my brand new '96 for 8 years, never had to do anything to it but add oil and gas, and beat the piss out of it 4 -5 days a week during riding season, sold it with the stock piston/rings in it and still started 1 or 2 kicks, every time
oh wait, i changed the plug once, the chain 3 or 4 times and 2 sets of tires, and rear axle bearings locked up once
ya same here i belive its all in the owner.. (EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO POLARIS!!!) haha but my blaster barley ran the last owner used so many wrong parts crappy oils, never greesed a bushing.. after mine was all rebuilt it ran perfect for me.. and same with my quadracer now the last 2 owners knew what they were doing and when you get good owners you get good quads, the 1st owner of the QR use to MX race it and you cant even tell other than the number plate fads, frame aint cracked like alot of them 85-86 swingy still good all bearings are really nice.. all in the owners!!

the polaris part is so true......lol!!!!!
I have had nothing but motor problems with mine and my friends blaster , I am a huge yamaha honda advocate, but dang I have never had such trouble with a atv motor before my yz125's never had problems like this and my warrior seemed so much easier to work on now granted parts are not as cheap but what would you pay for reliability?

What do yall think ? is it just me?B)

how can say that ur warrior was easier to work on....u ever change a timing chain on one....

and reliability is very cheap........what u put in is what u get out dude
ya same here i belive its all in the owner.. (EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO POLARIS!!!) haha but my blaster barley ran the last owner used so many wrong parts crappy oils, never greesed a bushing.. after mine was all rebuilt it ran perfect for me.. and same with my quadracer now the last 2 owners knew what they were doing and when you get good owners you get good quads, the 1st owner of the QR use to MX race it and you cant even tell other than the number plate fads, frame aint cracked like alot of them 85-86 swingy still good all bearings are really nice.. all in the owners!!

I'm in this situation now kind of. I have been regretting buying my 95 for $500. It was POORLY maintained. VIN was gone. I have stuck at least $300 in parts into it doing fluid changes, titleable frame, wheel bearings, filter, air lid, heel gaurds, brakes, pipe, reeds. It still doesn't run right, and I just bought a new intake gasket hoping that is where my air leak is. I'm hoping it's not the top end. My wife won't take much more spending on this thing. I wish I would have just bought a good running blasty for 400 more. :(
You have to remember its a 2stroke it needs maintnance just like all 2strokes.

I clean/reoil my airfilter, change gearbox oil and lube my chain after everyday of riding, say 6-8 hours.

4pokes are like cars gas and go. They dont need as much maintnance, but when maintnance is not preformed on them the cost a furtune to fix when the time comes. My buddy has a worked YFZ450 and it is honestly worse than a 2stroke for maintnance. I swear he is always working on it adjusting valves and so on. Its not from his lack of maintnance either he just rides it real hard. He says he dont mind LOL. But then again he did go to MMI.

As for the Polaris memtioned ealier is dead on LOL. Me and some friends were out riding and 2 minutes into the ride the guy on the trail boss broke LOL. It sheared the front sprocket shaft clean off to the case.

But best of luck with what you choose to do bro, wether it be sticking with the Blaster or buying a 4poke. I think that all that matters is that you still want too ride.
The newer breed of 4 strokes require a lot more maintainence than 2 strokes and most older low reving 4 strokes, especially 450 class quads. As far as something like a warrior, sure, it may run a long time with little to no maintainence, but when it finally does blow...$$$.
Dude keep your 2 stroke, they are way funner, sound way cooler, and are alot cheaper! f*ck i want my blaster up and running!
I agree with the TS. My Blaster has been nothing but a pain in my ass, but I guess I only paid 100 dollars for it. I had to resurrect that beast from nothing, and put a lot of time and money into it. When I finally did get it running, I babied that thing and took extremely good care of it, only to go through two more rebuilds. I don't see why you are giving TS so much sh*t when you all know you've had to rebuild your Blaster at LEAST one time. My 1984 Honda 250 Fourtrax has never had any money put into it, and me and my friends beat the absolute sh*t out of it. It would start on the first kick if I wanted to go ride it tonight. My Blaster was always blowing head gaskets, I was always worried about checking the compression, and always in fear of needing another rebuild. Just read these forums as proof, how many rebuild threads are there?
yeah man, one time, but mine was only causeof the retard who put in a wrong piston, 2 strokes may not last as long as a 4 stroke but a head properly intalled and maintained!!! will lastfor a good coupleyears, if its fairly stock it will last for a long while, i don't see why there are people throwing hissy fits about having to spend a little money on a quad, i don't want to sound like a jerk but i think my buddies bayou 300 took more money than my blaster to run, if u bought it for 100 bux, throwing a topend onand riding wount work, the thing will have problems, unless u want to spend money to get it running right u should buy a good shape quad.

i'm sorry if that was offensive to u 2 but that is just my view of it.
yeah man, one time, but mine was only causeof the retard who put in a wrong piston, 2 strokes may not last as long as a 4 stroke but a head properly intalled and maintained!!! will lastfor a good coupleyears, if its fairly stock it will last for a long while, i don't see why there are people throwing hissy fits about having to spend a little money on a quad, i don't want to sound like a jerk but i think my buddies bayou 300 took more money than my blaster to run, if u bought it for 100 bux, throwing a topend onand riding wount work, the thing will have problems, unless u want to spend money to get it running right u should buy a good shape quad.

i'm sorry if that was offensive to u 2 but that is just my view of it.

Yeah top ends are so easy, like you cant biotch about those to rebuild every few years. Its the bottom ends that scare the sh*t out of me.
the bottom end is a dealers prob for me, lol, i'm not that ready to tear into that part of a engine, i'm gonna do the topend myself next time though.
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