New. To Blasters. To atvs. New.


New Member
Aug 24, 2021
Hello All,
We are NEW to atv's as a family. Of course, we've all riden over the years but our first purchase.
Speaking of purchase, we bought a 2003, for our 14 and 12 year olds to play with.
The only issue is that I know absolutely nothing about atv's. And I've little to no mechanical skills. I've just never been shown and never owned anything I was willing to tinker with. But I'm a quick study and not inept.
Anyway, long story short:
Can anyone provide me with a list of oils, greases and lubes that I should go out and get or have on hand?
I know I need 2 stroke oil for the injector but that's about it. I have done some reading but I think people may call the same stuff by different names and it's getting a bit confusing for such a newbie.
Anyone willing to throw me a bone and teach me the basics of ownership and maintainance, so my son and I can learn how to take care of our own toys, would be doing me a solid.
We,as a family,decided this is what we want to take on as a hobby so I have to learn and quick.

Anyone up to the task of teaching us the do's and do not's of ownership?