I have a feeling im going to stick with fourstroke atv's

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one more for good messure

Wow bro so you dont like the Blaster ok good for you dont be bashing it here we all like the Blaster and aother kinds of quads and dirtbikes. Like you said these guy riding 14 year old machines. Where will your fourpoke be at in 14 years.
Also since it seems you like to follow trend and want to ride what everyone else is riding thats nice for you. You wanna ride throught the woods on something that sounds like a big long fart that is your choice.

Since you also stated you do not like the forum why still post here and fight with the members?
I am 6'3" and have no problem riding my 89 Blaster(21 years old) my 86 LT250r(24 years old) or my 2000 CR250

99% of the members on here ride 2strokes and love them.

Best of luck in what ever you choose to ride.......

First of al I said 14yr old as in young teenager , Second of all I have no problem with older bike's i love riding my cousin old 250x id take it over a 250ex any day , Thrid of all who said i want to ride what everybody else is riding ? I was simple stating they are more common BECAUSE THEY ARE BETTER BUILT AND MORE RELIABLE! You assume allot
btw back woods to answer your explination on atvriders as to why your blaster ran that lost power and couldnt kick it tell it cooled a little bit...

you hot siesed the motor. which means its running to hot and from the piston/rings expanding and cyl wall expanding its locking the rings to the cyl wall.

caused by a few things.. impropper jetting for mods/ temps. or riding it hard to long and not letting it cool down... my guess form the 'buzzing sound' thats detonation which means impropper jetting
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