I have a feeling im going to stick with fourstroke atv's

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I do see what some of you are saying.2 strokes are very hands on to keep them running good.I love it myself.I know how to and like doing it but some people don't know how or want to spend the time to.For them people I think a 4 stroke may be better for them.Nobody is wrong for not wanting a 2 stroke.
I do see what some of you are saying.2 strokes are very hands on to keep them running good.I love it myself.I know how to and like doing it but some people don't know how or want to spend the time to.For them people I think a 4 stroke may be better for them.Nobody is wrong for not wanting a 2 stroke.

i agree completely infact im planning on buying a 450 for my next quad but this guy acted like a complete idiot when people told him straight
in all reality a 2 stroke is not really any more to maintain than a 4 stroke.. longest part is getting your jetting for summer right, than gettin the jetting right for winter, after that you know what needs to be done.. rejet in winter than re jet for summer.. 4 stroke pretty much set it and forget it but sitll have to change jetting..

il ride ether 2 or 4... my 4 pissed me off, i cant work on it so i want a 2 stroke
Listen here motherf**cker i ride a cr125r, it would rape anything you have right now so stfu before you go talking sh*t. i have A RACE BIKE, and a toy bike the toy bike is my blaster so f**ck off.

Kid are you serious? I bet you get your ass beat alott.

You really think a little Cr125 would even keep up with anything I have?I:I

Honda dirtbikes suck any ways
Hehe are you retarded? Because were not talking about BIGBORE DIRTBIKES
Of course they dont sound like sh*t that big of a bore in two stroke makes it sound like a fourstroke

four strokes sound like someone farting how are you guys not embarrased to ride those they sound like sh*t. I love the scream of my 125!
you have a big mouth and a little bike

Are you sure youre cr125 super RACEBIKE will beat "ANYTHING" i have?

yamaha warrior for 3 years now gone

honda fourtraxx 4x4 had for 10years

grizzly 660 had since 06

yz125 had for 2 years now gone

b"l"asterd had for 3 months lol

and a few others but didnt have them for long i buy fix and sell

im pretty sure i could beat all of those bikes you just listed on the other forum. just stfu you have no room to talk.

yamaha warrior for 3 years now gone

honda fourtraxx 4x4 had for 10years

grizzly 660 had since 06

yz125 had for 2 years now gone

b"l"asterd had for 3 months lol

and a few others but didnt have them for long i buy fix and sell

im pretty sure i could beat all of those bikes you just listed on the other forum. just stfu you have no room to talk.

Im sorry but that cr wouldnt touch my yz125 or our 250......I:I
.....Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....

Now Im sorry I think I just hurt a bunch of little boy's feelings because I was saying some not nice things about blaster's. Before you tell me I fail at life remember all of you are riding a bunch of 14 year olds bike's. And saying fourstroke's suck you might wanna check out what everybody's riding now, I dont think Its just because they look and sound better either...;)

Second of all I Guareente That everyone of you riding that is over 14's knee's slap the front fender's.

So you big boy's riding little boys bike's might wanna re think how cool you are.


Wow bro so you dont like the Blaster ok good for you dont be bashing it here we all like the Blaster and aother kinds of quads and dirtbikes. Like you said these guy riding 14 year old machines. Where will your fourpoke be at in 14 years.
Also since it seems you like to follow trend and want to ride what everyone else is riding thats nice for you. You wanna ride throught the woods on something that sounds like a big long fart that is your choice.

Since you also stated you do not like the forum why still post here and fight with the members?
I am 6'3" and have no problem riding my 89 Blaster(21 years old) my 86 LT250r(24 years old) or my 2000 CR250

99% of the members on here ride 2strokes and love them.

Best of luck in what ever you choose to ride.......
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im retarted?? wow really?? you said 2 strokes you never said anything about big bore s2 strokes... still a 2 stroke!!!

and iv owned 2 cr125s.. both older one a 84 and a 89.. both ripped, and my 89 would out run a yz125 straihgt line, suension is old so it dont handle as good as a newer bike..

my cr250 now thats a diff story.. good suspension and more power than the average guy knows what to do with..

sh*t ill line ether of my 2 strokes against anything ya got... its only 270cc's and air cooled.. how fast can it be??? lols

very few 4 strokes sound good.. honeslty most of the 450s out sound like sh*t... most of the 400s sound better than the 450s... the fact they rev so fast makes there exhaust note screwed up.. only good sound 450s are running dasa pipes. or sparks pipes.

who really cares what a exhaust sounds like??? sure it adds to the pleasure... but 4 strokes are not like 2 strokes.. most guys can tell what a machine is by the sound of the exhaust... like you will know a 125 bike when you hear it, and a 250 stands out, big bore 2 strokes will let you know what they are... 250rs stand out of the crowd.. same with a banshee

if you like ridingacertain machine who cares if its 2 or 4 stroke... i regret buying my 4 stroke.. im lookin at 600-1000 bucks for valves and piston, my buddy just rebuilt the top end on his banshee for 150 bucks....
Jesus you guys just keep fueling this kids fire.. he is obivouly a loser and the only way to make himself feel better is arguing over stupid sh*t on a forum, then when hes picked on whine about it on another forum were he can get some support.
i'm hoping this stops soon, maybe a ban, or just close the thread or just do like we did to motoman and just ignore this dude, either way i'm happy, also, i like how he gets on here calling all these supporting and advanced members retarted and all, he can put his 4 poker lovin butt back on the other forum cause we don't want him on here, i'll talk to freek maybe, and we might be able to sort this out, only if this progresses.
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