uuhnt, u are kinda over reacting arent u, we aren't bing hard on him, we're just telling him like it is....
it all comes to the owner man, if u change the oil, clean the filter, adjust and jet it properly, and just plain take care of it they are easy to take care of, 4 strokes won't save u any money if u can't keep the blaster running, they are even more expensive to repair, i'm 13 and can keep my blasty runnin, just saying dude, a quad runs as good as it's owner takes care of it.
Dude keep your 2 stroke, they are way funner, sound way cooler, and are alot cheaper! f**ck i want my blaster up and running!
dude this is comming from a 4 stroke guy...backwoodsracer, you need to chill out and calm down man....there is no reason to start saying that blasters are little kid quads just be cause you arent having the best time and luck with yours or watever......just calm down and dont start fughts.....thats not what were all here for, were here to talk about quads, mainly blasters, and have fun.......just mellow out bro
Im just not liking this forum. Sorry if i overreacted
I thought you had to be 16 yr's or older to be on here....
Im just not liking this forum. Sorry if i overreacted
I thought you had to be 16 yr's or older to be on here....
Listen here motherfucker i ride a cr125r, it would rape anything you have right now so stfu before you go talking sh*t. i have A RACE BIKE, and a toy bike the toy bike is my blaster so f*ck off......Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....
Now Im sorry I think I just hurt a bunch of little boy's feelings because I was saying some not nice things about blaster's. Before you tell me I fail at life remember all of you are riding a bunch of 14 year olds bike's. And saying fourstroke's suck you might wanna check out what everybody's riding now, I dont think Its just because they look and sound better either...![]()
Second of all I Guareente That everyone of you riding that is over 14's knee's slap the front fender's.
So you big boy's riding little boys bike's might wanna re think how cool you are.
.....Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....
YouTube - banshee dmc aliens sound.
you stand corrected.....
p.s if all you care about is what girls think of your exhaust note then this sport is not for you, if you want to pose then go pick up photography.