I have a feeling im going to stick with fourstroke atv's

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lol nah man I'm not overreacting, I just thought everyone was quick to jump on him for sharing an opinion. I didn't really appreciate the one guy saying "You fail" when it was an opinion that I had as well. Trust me, I'm a two stroke man. But I gotta respect the reliability of four strokes.
it all comes to the owner man, if u change the oil, clean the filter, adjust and jet it properly, and just plain take care of it they are easy to take care of, 4 strokes won't save u any money if u can't keep the blaster running, they are even more expensive to repair, i'm 13 and can keep my blasty runnin, just saying dude, a quad runs as good as it's owner takes care of it.

maybe i should re edit my threadbut its had 2 owners before me neither took care of it one let it sit for 4 or 5 years the second just rigged everything and then they wrecked the frame so i put the motor in a new frame its a mess
Honestly you can't expect to get a blaster in great shape for cheap, when you buy it for super cheap it is almost a guarantee that its gonna take some work. I'd recommend spending a little more in the beginning if you don't wanna put the money into repairs and fixing it up to get a decent machine. If a blaster is maintained and properly jetted and tuned, their is no reason that a topend won't last for quite a few years. Think of it like this: Cheap, reliable, or fast....Pick two becuase you can't get all three.
blasters are great machines and very reliable all 2 strokes are the only one i would say isnt is a quadzilla but thats besides the point just some basic mantinace and its all good and they will last you very long a blaster shoudnt need a rebuild for a 5-8years if its always mixed properly and no treated like s%it, I own 2...4 strokes right now yes I like my 450 better then my blaster because its faster and better on the track I go 2 but if i wernt racing and that type of stuff i would be on a banshee
ok im going to put my thoughts in here since i have both in the garage a 2 stroke and a 4 stroke.

2t vs 4t for maintinace i think in the long run 2 stroke is better... i just dropped my 400ex off at janssen racing today to do the top end gaskets because there is to much for my experiance to tear into, gasket set has like 8 diff gaskets and half a dosen seals.. shes in good hands though..

now my top end kit for my 250r hanging on the wall in the garage, base gasket, head gasket, reed cage gasket and exhaust gasket..

the 400ex is there all because the base gasket is leaking, now the 250r.. i can do that gaskets in a hour tops on it.

ill break this down for you..

2 stroke maintinance... clean air filter, change trans oil, good fuel and oil, change the plug now and then, jet for temp changes.. ( big deal takes 5 min once you figure out whatis what)

4 stroke, change plug when needed, change oil and filter, clean air filter or replace, adjust valves, and more indept maintinance.. inspect/ replace timing chain valve seals now and then.... jet for performance upgrades and forget about it

comes down to ya get what ya pay for in most cases... i se clapped out junk blasters going anywhere from 500-1000 cos people thing there worth alot... see stockers go for 2gs... see some nice modded ones go for 800-1500. if in doubt spend the extra 200-300 on one a little nicer...

not everyone can get deals like i got on mine, trans oil changed every 10 hours, vertex piston, and boyseen reeds, only down fall was the p.o. was running lawn boy 2 stroke oil. BUt was running it 24:1 i switched to pro honda hp2 32:1 and never looked back... 143 psi compression when i bought it... and after i puit 80 hours on it compression was at 142 :)

i say adeal like mine.. its not every day you get something like this for $700

Dude keep your 2 stroke, they are way funner, sound way cooler, and are alot cheaper! f**ck i want my blaster up and running!

.....Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....

Now Im sorry I think I just hurt a bunch of little boy's feelings because I was saying some not nice things about blaster's. Before you tell me I fail at life remember all of you are riding a bunch of 14 year olds bike's. And saying fourstroke's suck you might wanna check out what everybody's riding now, I dont think Its just because they look and sound better either...;)

Second of all I Guareente That everyone of you riding that is over 14's knee's slap the front fender's.

So you big boy's riding little boys bike's might wanna re think how cool you are.

i dont care if ur sorry or not, that was just a stupid move, go ahead and get a 4 poke and see what we care, we were just telling u like it is, ur kinda being a jerk now, so u can suck it, i'm not even gonna check this thread anymore, because we have this little winer winein about how he can't take care of his quad, sorry but it had to be said, i'm ot of here.
dude this is comming from a 4 stroke guy...backwoodsracer, you need to chill out and calm down man....there is no reason to start saying that blasters are little kid quads just be cause you arent having the best time and luck with yours or watever......just calm down and dont start fughts.....thats not what were all here for, were here to talk about quads, mainly blasters, and have fun.......just mellow out bro
dude this is comming from a 4 stroke guy...backwoodsracer, you need to chill out and calm down man....there is no reason to start saying that blasters are little kid quads just be cause you arent having the best time and luck with yours or watever......just calm down and dont start fughts.....thats not what were all here for, were here to talk about quads, mainly blasters, and have fun.......just mellow out bro

Im just not liking this forum. Sorry if i overreacted

I thought you had to be 16 yr's or older to be on here....
.....Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....

Now Im sorry I think I just hurt a bunch of little boy's feelings because I was saying some not nice things about blaster's. Before you tell me I fail at life remember all of you are riding a bunch of 14 year olds bike's. And saying fourstroke's suck you might wanna check out what everybody's riding now, I dont think Its just because they look and sound better either...;)

Second of all I Guareente That everyone of you riding that is over 14's knee's slap the front fender's.

So you big boy's riding little boys bike's might wanna re think how cool you are.

Listen here motherfucker i ride a cr125r, it would rape anything you have right now so stfu before you go talking sh*t. i have A RACE BIKE, and a toy bike the toy bike is my blaster so f*ck off.
.....Did you say sound way cooler?..... Thats the last sound any girl in the world will ever want to hear is that high pitched whine.....


you stand corrected.....

p.s if all you care about is what girls think of your exhaust note then this sport is not for you, if you want to pose then go pick up photography.
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