i found internet...


Dec 13, 2008
Edgewater MD
so as most of you know i am deployed on a 7 mos deployment well this is like the 2nd time in 5 mos i have been able to get online and see whats goin on, although i will be back soon and very excited this is almsot over, seen a lot of good places will divulge more when i am back in wa and on leave....take care and hope to hear from y'all
hey bro, good to hear from ya, keep your ass safe till ya get home!!!!
hahaha yeah on a ship made of steel that floats...lol about as safe as i can be, i will digest some stories when i get back, its been an interesting 5 and a half so far....
Good to see you back around bro.Sounds like you are having an interesting time.lol Stay safe bro.
YOOO DUDE!! Long time no talk...thought my peggle buddy disappeared...Glad everything is going good...when are you coming down to florida??
wow guys good to hear everyone still remembers, i will be back soon, but i will be tending to the wife first, been away from her for 7 mos so we will be busy for a couple days....then i will start a thread with some of these sea stories you guys want to hear, i am safe you guys do the same and be real, my blasty is awaiting my doctoring hands when i get back to be finished, i will call it frankenstein!!! lol y'all be good.
haha yeah i arrive home real soon...in hawaii right now, it is awesome here, although i was here before i might take some orders out here...the blasty is currently semi apart all i have to do is put some exhaust studs on the 240 top end and tune it, ughhh, might just have the dealership tune it for 100 bux, i will be getting off a 7 mos and wont want to do it, plus i got work to do on the motorcycle and performance parts on the ol titan too, a bunch of sh*t to do, the wife gave me 2k to do with what i please so the blaster is going to get a new suspension, works im thinkin all around. we will see and i will inform everyone of the new upgrades on the ol girl!!! UPGRADES ROCK!!
yeah i have a lot of time and money in it, so i figured why not another 6 hundred or so, lol, all done by me, i would have a hard time selling it because of the time and memories i have in it. the dealer has only touched it once when i broke an exhaust stud and they had to re helicoil the cylinder.