Hi! Just bought a chopped up 92 blaster, have some plans for it to slowly work towards. I’ve wanted to get me a blaster for like 6/7 years now (had a 2005 can am ds90 before), I’m super excited! This will be my first bike that’s mine solely.
front fenders are chopped off completely, back fenders are cut up and spray painted badly, no heel guards, and a “custom” hood vent that is also ugly lol. First step is to take all spray paint off, then start getting plastics. Not sure what colors to go for though
front fenders are chopped off completely, back fenders are cut up and spray painted badly, no heel guards, and a “custom” hood vent that is also ugly lol. First step is to take all spray paint off, then start getting plastics. Not sure what colors to go for though