How to get a kfx 400 or a z400


May 24, 2010
all the money i hav to my name is whateva my blastys,ps3 and home cinema's worth! i really want a kfx 400 but there rare here a guy down the road had one! i mean id die to have 1 but what use is it when im dead? lol ..... any tips on how to make money?(im 14!) im willing to sell all my stuff for 1! ,i know this post is stupid ! but it says how desprite i am lol
Go to the street corner sit and sing, people will give you money eventually or just hit you to shut up either way worth a try lol
wear some short shorts and a tube top with a wig to the corner, u might be able to make some good money, hahahahahahahaha J/K, prolly mow lawn, oh wait, i forgot, all canada has is pete-moss, u could try'n get a job at a local store
dude I had a job when I was a resteraunt washing dishes, i know theres laws but most of the resteraunts do not care but thats just around here. Im 16 now and i still work there, i just got off actually
If you lived in the state, particularly in the midwest I would say detassling, it kinda sucks (I actually enjoyed it and did it for 2 years, and debated doing it this year, I'm 20 haha) but in ireland I wouldn't know. I was say try getting to some of the house in the neighborhood and see about doing some mowing, or yard clean up, or painting, anything. Learning to do stuff around the house/yard like painting and fixing stuff up is a good life long skill that you can always use, and make a lil money while your at it.
i can't get detassleing jobs cause them mexiicans took all the jobs round my place, i wish the mx track would let me work there, but they can't cause of insurance