in NJ total like 7 years ago, there were about 7 places to ride legally. just in NJ. now there is only 1 for quads and dirt bikes. (mostly dirt bikes, they only have 2 events a year for quads) and my last race was there. its an awesome place, but there hurting, and may shut down soon too.
Atco shut down this year
Thunder in the sand shut down in the last 2 months.
by me, theres 4 places to ride. one in NJ, 2 in NY (about 1hrs drive) 1 in PA (bout 1.5-2hrs drive)
it sucks having these places shut down. and being where i live, there the ONLY places i can ride without getting cought and haveing my lisense suspended.
most of these places are shutting down because of injuries and people being sue happpy. and half of the injuries dont even accur on the track. they acurr in the pits where NO ONE wears helemts driving back and forth, and you have people who are being idiots riding 2 ppl and trying to do wheelies and falling off with a freaking beer in their hand. which is in violtation of like 3 AMA rules and like 5 Track rules. if they got cought, Their AMA memberships would be taken away for 1 year, and be kicked off/banded from that track.
and TBH, it just sucks having no where to ride because of police and other losers who constantly watch in tree stands with their phone already dialed to 911 or the police, so all they have to do is hit send. (and yes that has happened to me, which has broke out into a fight)
if you guys dont want to wear helmets and proper safty equitment, then fine. have at it! but dont be posting oics on the forum of you flying down the road doing 50 in a wheelie with no helmet, shorts, and no shirt.
ive seen SO many ppl's lives been saved because of helmets at the tracks. and ive heard of SO many ppl dieing because of them being idiots on quads and dirt bikes and not having any equitment on. then having their families sue the sh*t of of the place where they were riding cause they thought it was the owner of the place that causes them to crash. its effin stupid!
think of it this way: what happends if you child had a quad, and went to a friends house to ride. you sent them full gear (helmet, gloves, boots, goggles, etc) and told him to wear it.
next thing you know, hes in the ER in critical condition, half dead already. whats your first reaction gonna be? yea thats rite, sue the parents of your kids friend!
so whats the difference if its a 10 year old or a 5 year old, or a 40 year old, or a 70 year old????? NOTHING! its still gonna be YOU in that ER barly alive because YOU thought it would be cool to show off, and now YOU are hoping to atil be alive.
its a fact that helmets and proper riding equitment SAVES LIVES.
if you want to be the dumb F*CK who thinks you dont need one because you are "a pro", then by all means, have at it. just dont go posting your pics or anything about it, or thatu crashed and now theres 1000's of dollars in damage. NO ONE wants to hear that.
here we go: this just happened April 12
now what about this one wherehes wearing a helmet, and they way he crashed, probs would have been dead, if not in Cridical condition i the ER
so whats the difference between the 2?
1)no hemlet, no special gear, doing choures, died becaue of the quad probbs nailing him in the head
2) helmets, some wht of protected gear, having fun ripping hard, being idiots, but still alive and walking rite after.
so before you go posting you helmetless vids and pics of you doing stupid azz stuff, think about it.
Quiet honestly, idc if i offended anyone. maybe it will get you to think about wht you are doing and that it wont only effect you, but everyone around you. maybe you will also think about how this is comming from a 15 year old who dosent even have kids yet, and not someone who is 90yo and has been through "everything possible".
good 3,500 post? i think so...