Freek's Blaster


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
South Carolina
This is messed up. I sold my Blaster yesterday and not even twelve hours from then, I'm having dreams about more Blasters. wtf? Well, more like a nightmare. A bunch of us were riding and freek let me take his bike out on the interstate. ?? Some how I flipped it at about 70 mph and totaled it. Sorry bout that freek. And yb, I guess you're not the only one having blaster dreams. lmao
This site truly is a support for addicts, isn't it? We are some messed up, blaster crazy mofo's on here. I'm going to get my Yamalube IV in the morning to help with my withdrawals.
omfg !!! i dreamt i was riding the blaster and it was very slow .. i was riding past a house and i was hungry so i stopped there and stold a few chocolates and then rode away sowy again =o WEIRD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a dream last night but, it had nothing to do with blasters. I was dreaming that i was back in the Army(weird right) and on my way back to my room I found that a bunch of female medics had moved in below and beside me. Very strange as I was an infantry guy but a very pleasent surprise. I think I will end on that note. My wife would kill me if she saw what I was fixing to write.
I had a dream last night but, it had nothing to do with blasters. I was dreaming that i was back in the Army(weird right) and on my way back to my room I found that a bunch of female medics had moved in below and beside me. Very strange as I was an infantry guy but a very pleasent surprise. I think I will end on that note. My wife would kill me if she saw what I was fixing to write.

bahahhaahahahaahhaha......well yea u woke up hugging the pillow lol:p:p
LMAO !!!!! I:I That made me smile freek... I had a nice dream too but then i woke up. Man I hate mornings.. Somone ALWAYS gotta cut the good ones short.. Was my daughter this morning .. Hi Daddy Hi Daddy Hi Daddy LOL
LMAO !!!!! I:I That made me smile freek... I had a nice dream too but then i woke up. Man I hate mornings.. Somone ALWAYS gotta cut the good ones short.. Was my daughter this morning .. Hi Daddy Hi Daddy Hi Daddy LOL

lmao..i thought for sure u would be still having nightmares about giant hill climbs and rolling blastys lol.....the kind where u fall outta bed and crawl under it cause ur waiting for the blasty to land on ya ........i know man dont hold back lol.......ive woken up under the bed quite a few times lol
HAHA Yea man Im wondering why Im NOT having those dreams :? Should I be am I normal? LMAO Im so freakin sore I dont even wanna go riding ! Now that is f'n Scary :D lol My thumb dont work no more.. Tring to text message is a mofo ! lol

But know this Freek ! I WILL I REPEAT I WILL GET THAT HILL THIS SUMMER HAHAHHA Tell ya the truth Im not even gonna attempt it without somone Video'n me.. Cause it could go 50/50 Either I do an awsum climb or a sick fall lmao
i like to play gears 2 for a few hours before bed then dream of people trying to find and kill me lolol. I:I funny thing is it happens alot haha:D
HAHA Yea man Im wondering why Im NOT having those dreams :? Should I be am I normal? LMAO Im so freakin sore I dont even wanna go riding ! Now that is f'n Scary :D lol My thumb dont work no more.. Tring to text message is a mofo ! lol

But know this Freek ! I WILL I REPEAT I WILL GET THAT HILL THIS SUMMER HAHAHHA Tell ya the truth Im not even gonna attempt it without somone Video'n me.. Cause it could go 50/50 Either I do an awsum climb or a sick fall lmao

as long as someone else tells ya to try it this time lmao.......

the blasty gods told me theres a hillclimb of epic proportions in someones near future lol...but they didnt tell me who it was lol