Free Manufacturers Decals

i just emailed all of these last week, and got letters from 2 by the end of the week, today i checked mail and had 6 fat envelopes of stickers, keep 'em comin, sweeeeeeeet
i hope everyone is copyin and pasting all the addresses all at once as i posted a few pages back, im gettin so many, i think my mailman is startin to hate me

so far.... dura blue, dunlop, prm, ngk, gssrx, uni,wiseco, asv, yoshimura, klotz,asterik, outerwears, amsoil, g3, and probably a couple im forgettin

oh yeah go here...., they make an energy drink and some lotions and stuf outta hemp, i emailed them and said i raced, asked for a few stickers, they sent me enuf to cover my house and a real cool shirt too!!!!
if any of you responded to the "420 energy drink" i posted a few pages ago,
though they send you a sh*tload of decals and a real cool t-shirt, do not put these decals on your bike, they're not vinyl, they're paper baked and have some kinda godzilla glue that holds them on, i try'd mineral spirits and wd-40, still stuck, it took me an hour to scrape them off, with a hot razor blade, scratched the hell outta my tank cover, which most of buffed out,
cool t-shirt, but the decals might make good fire stater
ive gotten a lot of emails saying stickers sent troy lee sent me a message saying they no longer give away fre stickers u have to buy them so dnt try tld
Mooseracing emailed me back with it needs updated

Thanks for your interest in Moose Racing products. To receive your requested decals please send a Self-addressed stamped envelope with .42 postage to:
Moose Racing
Attn: Decals
PO Box 5222
Janesville, WI 53547-5222
Only one request per person. Decals sent will be our choice. To obtain additional decals and the rest of our products visit your local Moose Racing / Parts Unlimited dealer. If you do not know who that is you can locate one back on the site, Moose Racing 2009 under “Where To Buy”.
Thank you