Free Manufacturers Decals

I got all kinds of decals in the mail today.
I got:

5 from Wiseco
4 from ASV
17 misc types from One Industries
4 from Durablue, Inc.
4 from Klotz
6 from NGK
An entire sheet consisting of 15 ITP decals

Thats 55 decals so far from 7 companies. Can you imagine how many I will have if all 44 companies I emailed sends me decals. I cant wait...Im sure my mail man is gonna hate me soon...LOL

If you wanna see any let me know and Ill post em up...
alot of them will send you a email or letter saying to mail them money for postage and alot wont even respond, i also sent to all of them
I got belray(4),klotz(about 10), asv(6), outerwears(10), hotcams(10),itp 1 sheet, hinson racing(4),rg3(4),Durablue(4) I think I'm missing a few>< for the companies who don't reply or send anything I will email them again lol. I had a few who said I need to send a self. adressed. stamp .envelope also.
Anybody wanna do me a favor and send e-mails out for me. I will pay you for your time and to have the stickers sent to me. I dont have time/patience to contact all those companies.

It took me about an hour or so to send out maybe 40 or 50 emails. Just make a general statement ex" I was wondering if you can send me some free stickers to put on my two quads"
Ardress and info

Before all this, open your email inbox ( in another window) paste your statement then cut and paste in the email adress then copy your statement(to use it for the next email without having to re-type it all over) again and send the email.
Got a bunch more decals today from...

Outerwares - 11
Batnett - 5
Roll Design - 3
DP Brakes - 8
Yoshimura - 16
Got a buncha stickers today.

One Industries: 16

Yoshimura: 4 sheets, 8 individual stickers.

ASV: 8

Wiseco: 3 sheets and 1 individual

Outerwear: 1 sheet and 3 individuals

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