He's 15. I think he already suffers from arm pump.lol.
yupppthanks for all the tips its really helping me I:I
Good luck man! any questions feel free to PM, and what club are u racing with? or send a web link? Thx
Just remember us little people when you go pro!
Yeah get some vids!!
Just remember when you holeshot, chucking a lot of dirt out the back is not the best way to make forward progress..
It is a happy medium of dirt backward, bike forward.
Position your body just enough to keep the front wheels in contact with the track, start up the tank and as you get traction slide your ass toward the back.
You may have to reposition as you go up the gears.
I run a 12 front and 40 rear with 18" tyres and like to get the shot in 2nd gear.
What gearing are you running quadrider?
If wherever You ride has an open spot, just do it there. Practice as blaaster said with keeping the front wheels just touching the ground.
Basically just think of it as drag racing to the first turn