First race ever!!!

If your nose is too low, pin the throttle (rev up), this will bring the nose up.

If your nose is too high, grab the clutch in and hit the back break, this will bring the nose down.

Takes a little practice to perfect, but may save your ass from landing badly.
lol i think ima lay a little low on this first race.... like i said, i will tr and keep up, but im not going to bust balls and break parts to try to get first on my first race

and ohh thats what u meant... yea i know, gas pitches up, and brakes pitch down.... ive learned that already at a practice lmao damn little kids ahaha
Not for the first time of racing, when you get good, then give it your all.

The inside of ambulances suck, besides they smell terrible.

Yeah i should have went and re edited that. but yeah i was talking about experianced guys. thanks
^^^^^ u have 5 weeks I have till nxt weekend to get my motor together I am cutting it really close bad thing is I need a bore job which I don't have 60 bux for hope it will work out for both of us
^^^^^ u have 5 weeks I have till nxt weekend to get my motor together I am cutting it really close bad thing is I need a bore job which I don't have 60 bux for hope it will work out for both of us

Ohh damn. Wow good luck in that! Tell me how it goes. Are you racing? And it might take me awhile, cause I have never jetted before, so yea that's y
Dang thats cutting it tight speedy my fair races dont start till the summer....we have a points system at one track but its alot to do it all year?? Wb yall
Well yea the rest don't start till summer but this one and yea I know need a bore and that is all I need but can't wait and of course I'm racing I wanted to race ever since I was 4 watching Ricky Carmichael on his red woody wood pecker Honda and I am finally old enough to race
Yea i think im going to do good this year the big dawg of the blasty class moved up to a 400 rest of the guys just have nerfs an a pipe
you guys should feel fortunate, i wanted to start racing when I was about 8, you can see my age and I still haven't really gotten on an MX track
Well yea the rest don't start till summer but this one and yea I know need a bore and that is all I need but can't wait and of course I'm racing I wanted to race ever since I was 4 watching Ricky Carmichael on his red woody wood pecker Honda and I am finally old enough to race

One good thing there won't be any treeS in your way! :D