First race ever!!!

its a 200cc 2 stroke,- 400cc 4 stroke class 13-15 yrs old, so anything that fits those critials, is in the race. so there may be other blasters, may not be other blaster.... idk yet.... and yea thats true!
Dont know about your pants, but mine have chamios leather patches sewn to the inside leg in the knee area.

These patches are not only put there to stop wear, but can be used to an advantage to grip the tank and seat when in the hole.

Dont only try to hold on to the bars with your hands, grip with your knees.

The knee grip technique should be used with all aspects of MX riding.
Dont worry too much about the 400s, the reason they mix the 2 strokes with the bigger 4 strokes, is because the little 2s can hold their own with them.

Just take no unnessesary risks, and stay on the powerband.

I always have spare front sprockets in my kit, 12, 13, 14, and will swap them depending on track, conditions and competition.

I usually never mix chains and sprockets, but have been known to sacrifice a chain and or sprockets for a good placing.
Got a look at the link to the track, looks good.

Not keen on the rail fence on one of the bends, keep wide on that one. Get a handlebar tangled up with that sucker and you could loose an arm.
im not too worrie about the 400's too much, and yea the track looks pretty good for a beginner. and OUUUUUCH!!!!! lol thanks for the tip hahah it looks like a lot of funn too.... long and some nice turns and tables!
I:I im trying to get another race begging of may, so that way i have 2 races on my belt, so when the Wildwood race comes, im freakinn rdy!!!! lol thats a fun day tho.... 3 days of just beach, boardwalk, and riding!
Nice.......did u ever fig that airleak out or did u make a gasket

yupppp, the leak is where the flange meets the cylinder. i guess it just got hot amd warped. so i ordered a gasket from ebay for 2.00$ shipped, and ima gonna use that, and try to bend the flange back. should work..... but idk wee shall see how it goes! my reeds also come in the mail on weds! cant wait for those eaither! lol