Thats exactly what I was gonna say lol yea just dont forget the hook where you "gotta" turn.If wherever You ride has an open spot, just do it there. Practice as blaaster said with keeping the front wheels just touching the ground.
Basically just think of it as drag racing to the first turn
Thats what I do to I use the grips on the sides of the inner leg to grip and stand up at the apex of the hill so I can jump farther when I need to by shifting my weight and just lean the bike forward/down slightly to make the landing seamless. So that way I don't loose time/ground with a breaking bump like rebound by landing funny.Dont know about your pants, but mine have chamios leather patches sewn to the inside leg in the knee area.
These patches are not only put there to stop wear, but can be used to an advantage to grip the tank and seat when in the hole.
Dont only try to hold on to the bars with your hands, grip with your knees.
The knee grip technique should be used with all aspects of MX riding.
Hows them artaks hook up in the dirt?
Good luck!! 1515
Good luck u messed around with trying any holeshots?