First race ever!!!

It had this weird dent couple inches be4 the silencer meets not like its crushed in..but a dent..i called rich at dynoport he said he hammered the dent in for clearance i guess of my fins...he said put it on youll be impressed..hes a pipemaker so i guess he nos what affects the performance
If wherever You ride has an open spot, just do it there. Practice as blaaster said with keeping the front wheels just touching the ground.

Basically just think of it as drag racing to the first turn
Thats exactly what I was gonna say lol yea just dont forget the hook where you "gotta" turn.
Dont know about your pants, but mine have chamios leather patches sewn to the inside leg in the knee area.

These patches are not only put there to stop wear, but can be used to an advantage to grip the tank and seat when in the hole.

Dont only try to hold on to the bars with your hands, grip with your knees.

The knee grip technique should be used with all aspects of MX riding.
Thats what I do to I use the grips on the sides of the inner leg to grip and stand up at the apex of the hill so I can jump farther when I need to by shifting my weight and just lean the bike forward/down slightly to make the landing seamless. So that way I don't loose time/ground with a breaking bump like rebound by landing funny.

Just remember smouth and slow in, fast out in the turns cause if your fast in the straights the other guys can just eat away your time by being stronger in the turns than you are no matter how much ahead you are. Cause everyone can go really fast in a straight line but it takes greater skill being fast everywhere. Just be on the pipe like the devil is chaseing your ass.
Never over jump, by this I mean, spend as much time in the dirt as possible.

All the time you spend in the air you are loosing speed, if the wheels are not biting dirt you are not getting any forward motion.

When you get good and really fast, you will have the time to do some spectactular and showy air moves, but until you are fast enough to win, keep your rubber on the road as much as possible.

There are no prizes for showing how you fly, your prize comes at the end.
Hows them artaks hook up in the dirt?

from what ive tried them in the back of my garage, good, but i still cant tell u any good revies except for snow. and there pretty decent in snow!

Good luck!! 1515

thanks I:I :D

Good luck u messed around with trying any holeshots?

my quad has still been in peices from the pipe and reeds. today i got the reeds, and put those in, but now im still waiting on the exhaust gasket to come, so i can fix that. i bent the flange, and cleaned the cylinder head. so it should work perfect!