I have built 2 stroke engines for years.
"Phsitt" happens. Huge time wasted trying to chase down a jetting problem that turned out to be a leaking crank seal or reed gasket. A 5 minute test before I put the pipe and carb on would tell everything. Instead I occaisionally ended up wasting hours trying to figure out some oddball problem, or worse, replacing parts that should not have needed it.
To make a tester is easy.
1) You need a low pressure (10psi-30psi) guage, to mount on the cylinder.
Unfortunately the compression is too high but you might be able to swap the guage on some of them.
2) you need some means of blocking the intake and exhaust.
Plumbing fittings and rubber hose, expanding rubber block plugs, rubber sheet under the exhaust flange all work.
3) you need some means of putting a controled 5psi-7psi into the engine.
A small $10 bicycle pump and a tire valve work. You can glue or fit the tire valve to one of your plugs or a hose.
Air and gauge can hook up to your plugs on the intake or exhaust, or screw into the sparkplug hole.
I make reedplates to block off the intake in the past:
but I don't like this method because it misses leaks in the reed box.
I prefer a round plumbing plug hoseclamped on the carb mount.
Here is your Blaster exhaust port, a sheet of inner tube or foam rubber under the exhaust flange will do.
Note the big air leak on the base gasket of this one!